Streets Being Opened in Lassen Townsite
January 16, 1927
Tuesday the county tractor and scraper started work in Lassen Townsite, on the hill between the Fruit Growers and Richmond Road. They are cutting new streets through this district, which has heretofore been one large field, with numerous crooked trails called roads cutting across lots.
This section of Susanville’s suburbs has had street signs indicating where the streets should be, since just before the American Legion convention held here last August, and now the streets are being graded thru the “prairie land.”
This will undoubtedly make that section grow fast as it is an excellent location, close to both mills and to town.
North Railroad Avenue, which runs parallel with the railroad on the hill to the north of the tracks was connected up when a street was cut down the hill back of the depot.
The ground was frozen and hard to handle but the road workers left it in passable condition and will finish it up when the ground gets thawed out in the spring.