Local High School Students Elope
January 17, 1926
Pursued by Fathers – Win Parental Consent and Are Married in Reno
A surprise was given the many friends of Miss Dorothy Breitwieser, 18 and Paul Griffin, 19, when they eloped Tuesday of this week to Reno to be married. The young couple intended to keep the affair secret until June when the bride, who is in her last year of high school, graduates.
They were hardly on their way before the news was out and the two fathers, M. A. Griffen and A. G. Breitwieser were hot on their trail.
The two families have been friends for years and although the marriage was not opposed by them they had hoped that the young couple would wait until they had finished their school terms. Young Griffin is in his first year of Junior College.
However, after their arrival in Reno and they had been overtaken by two parents, the young couple considered it bad luck to turn back and persuasion and perseverance finally told and the two fathers capitulating were won over to their side.
The marriage ceremony which had been temporarily halted then proceeded, with Judge George Bartlett officiating. Misses Pauline Wren, Elizabeth Davis, Messrs. Karl Davis and Ben Jenne acted as witnesses.
This marriage unites two of the best known families in the county, the bride’s father, A. G. Breitwieser, being secretary of the Lassen Lumber & Box Co., and the groom’s father M. A. Griffin, a well known merchant of Susanville.
The young couple are both very popular in their set, Mrs. Griffin having won quite a name for herself as a dancer in private theatricals. Numerous receptions are already planned for them.
Mr. and Mrs. Griffin will make their home at the Del Mar Apartments for the winter.