Veterans of Foreign Wars Establish Post
January 27, 1932
Establishment of a local Vetrans of Foreign Wars Post is well under way, plans are progressing rapidly and the organization already boasts of about 35 paid up members.
The next regular meeting will be held in the Memorial Building next Thursday beginning at 8:00P.M.
All men who have seen service in either army, marine corps or navy outside of Continental United States in any of the following countries: Cuban Insurrection, Expeditionary forces into Mexico, late World War, Nicaraguan Insurrection, Spanish American War, or Mexican and Cuban War, are invited to attend the meeting.
February 11 has been set as the date for a muster night at the Memorial Building, at which time the Post will be definitely established and officers installed.
Members of the large Reno Post will be present at the Muster Night meeting.