Eagle Lake Exploited by L.A. Promoters
January 28, 1925
Lassen County receives widespread publicity in handsomely bound and beautifully illustrated book. In a handsomely bound, beautifully illustrated and well written book, in brochure form, size eight and one-fourth by eleven inches, the scenic beauty and wonders of Eagle Lake and Lassen National Park are illustrated and elaborated.
The book is published by the Eagle Lake Cabin Site Company, an organization of Los Angeles businessmen. The object of the book is to exploit in particular Spalding’s Eagle Lake tract which has been subdivided into lots for cabin sites.
Lassen Park views Shown. While this book deals specifically with Eagle Lake, the part it plays in the advertising of Lassen County in general and Lassen Park in particular is very considerable. In it are several beautiful illustrations of big timber views together with winter scenes.
On one page and over the caption, “Scenes In Lassen Park,” Bumpass Hell, Devil’s Kitchen, King Falls, Mt. Lassen from Lake Almanor and the boiling mud pots. Several views of Eagle Lake are shown.
Sportsmen’s Paradise. With picture and text the book illustrates and tells of the veritable paradise Eagle Lake is for the sportsman. The lover of the out-of-doors who likes to hunt and fish has some alluring facts presented to him.
On one page of the book is a road map and beside it directions how to reach Eagle Laake. Susanville looms up large on the map and it is mentioned several times in the directions given.
Good general publicity. This book will give to Eagle Lake, Lassen National Park, Susanville, Westwood and a large part of Lassen County, good general publicity, even if it answers no other purpose. And this publicity will be accomplished by men in that king of booster towns, Los Angeles. They are using their money and bending their efforts to develop a place which, when it does begin to develop, will mean much to Susanville and the surrounding country.
True, the object of this advertising literature is to sell lots at Eagle Lake, but the advertising of Eagle Lake is the advertising of Susanville and Lassen National Park. And the development of Eagle Laker and the bringing of visitors into Lassen National Park will contribute to the growth and development of the county seat.
An advertising opportunity. It appears to The Mail that the opportunity presented in the exploitation of Eagle Lake by Los Angeles people is one that should be made use of by the Lassen County Chamber of Commerce.
Why not some plan be formed by which together two organizations can work together in putting this cabin site project ever. What initiative and knowledge that may be lacking here may be supplied by men from the southern city, and qualities which they may not possess may be supplied here. There is a splendid chance for good teamwork here.
The cooperation of hustlers and conservatives, as it were, and it should be productive of good results to all concerned.
A good pie with a good crust. The people down Los Angeles way are “there” when it comes to advertising and boosting. They are not only advertising what they want to sell but they are charging one dollar for this book which tells about and illustrates what they want to sell. And they are getting it because their advertising literature is a work of art and costs more than a dollar per copy to produce. They are going about marketing what they have to sell in the right way – they are advertising.