Erecting Mill on McDow Mine
June 6th, 1940
Two forty-ton units, Ellis model mill, are being erected at the McDow property on Diamond Mountain. The plant was trucked here over the weekend from San Francisco.
A. C. Ackerman, mining mill contractor, and a crew of eight men are supervising erection of the mill, and he will stay at the plant for a number of months for any necessary adjustments.
A. G. Lantz of San Jose, who is financing the installation, was here over the weekend to see about trucking of the equipment. The mill will serve as a custom plant for the Diamond Mountain district.
Lantz has taken a lease-option of the Lee Musgrove property and plans to begin working it on a big scale.
Sleeping quarters and a cook house and dining hall have been under construction for the past month to care for the crew Lantz plans to employ.
The Placer-Sierra Co-operative Power Company lineman crew is extending major power lines to the plant. It is hoped to have the mill ready to start by July 1. As the demand requires more capacity units will be added to the mill.