Susanville Women Oppose 40-Hour Work Week Bill
March 22, 1937
The Business Girls club met for a program and business session. Three bills were discussed.
A bill limiting working hours for women to 40 hours a week was called discriminatory and vicious and the club voted to send letters to authorities urging that the bill be defeated.
A bill giving women 50 percent representation in the Republican and Democratic central committees was approved.
The third measure is a bill introduced to congress by Congresswomen Virginia E. Jenckes of Indiana to do away with the 10 percent luxury tax on cosmetics and toilet preparations. The tax on jewelry has already been eliminated and the one on furs greatly reduced. The club members consider cosmetics and toilet preparation necessities and not luxuries.
Mrs. Lenore Shields was made a member of the club.
The International Relations committee chairman, Florence Scott, announced the next meeting to be held at the Grand café on March 29. At this meeting, Mrs. McLaughlin of San Francisco will talk on Pacific International Relations.
At the close of business, the meeting was turned over to Louise Pugh, chairman of the health committee and in charge of the program. Two songs were sung by Lysle Trabert, accompanied by Margaret Trabert.