Little Baseball League Planned in Susanville
March 29, 1951
Organization of Little League baseball for boys under 13 years of age is schedule for Susanville.
The system was developed in the east and has spread throughout the country.
The Little League system uses professional baseball players method. Each team manager is initially allowed 326,000 credit points for the purchase of players. He is allowed 10,000 more at the beginning of the following season.
Players are bought and sold with points, just as in big league baseball with money. The system is said to stimulate development of younger players and competition among the boys.
Commercialism of the team is discouraged, although sponsors will be sought for local support. The teams entered in the regular Little league have state, regional and national playoffs.
Current plans call for organization of teams in Susanville, Westwood and Chester.
Information on the little league’s system was secured by Carl Lundberg and Clyde Merton of Susanville at a recent meeting they attended in Marysville.
An explanatory film is scheduled to arrive here next week for showing to clubs and organizations. A meeting will be called in Susanville to organize a local league after showing of the file locally.