$1,500 More Needed To Complete Pool In Susanville
May 2, 1937
Frank C. O’Kelly, who is in charge of the local swimming pool project, announced today that the pool fund of $5,000 is exhausted and approximately $1500 more is needed to complete the pool so that it may be open for the public on June 15.
Due to the fact that the WPA has invested $17,000 and the elementary school district $5,000, he said, it is now up to the service clubs to furnish enough money to keep the ball rolling until July 1, when the school board will apportion more funds for this project.
Monday evening the Business and Professional Women’s club agreed to sell $100 worth of season swimming tickets to the public. The 20-30 club and the Rotary club will also agree to do their share to contribute to this fund.
Professor Frank S. Cralle, vice president of the Susanville elementary school and in charge of the Roosevelt school where the pool is located, will be the pool manager. The pool if 45 feet wide, 105 feet long, with a depth of nine and one half feet at one end. Springboards and all swimming equipment will be ready for the opening June 15 if the necessary funds are raised.
The pool is equipped with underwater lighting.
The pool representatives from each service club will attend a meeting of the school board Thursday night when process of season tickets, individual swim prices, types of swimming suits and other topics will be discussed.