News Reviewed At Susanville
May 9, 1941
Mrs. Maud E. Tombs, Lassen county clerk, entertained earlier this week at her home on Roop Street, on the occasion of the birthday anniversary of her daughter, Miss Mardelie McCleland.
Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Trussell entertained recently in Johnstonville in honor of Mrs. John Volner, who has been visiting here from Tule Lake.
Lassen County stockmen have sold to the United States army about 20 head of horses for the remount service. The sellers included Ralph Blosser, William Bailey, Bert Jensen, Don Wemple, Masten Ramsey, Ceryl Schott, Rube Lyons, Norris Gerig, Elbert Spraker and the Clarke Stock Company.
Mrs. Roita Wilbur of Janesville has received word of the death of her sister, Mrs. Eva Gordon, 78, in Muskegon, Mich., a week ago. She was born in Milford and was the widow of Frank Hostetter of that place. She was proprietor of several silver fox farms in Texas and in Traverse City, Mich.
E. F. McCarthy, vocational agriculture instructor in the Lassen Union high school, reports that horses and stock from Fallon and Carson City have already filed entry in the rodeo and racing program next Saturday by the schools’ Future Farmer organization.
Entries are promised from Reno. Greenville, Cedarville, Adin and Alturas already have entered show stock in the rodeo.