Susanville Finds Height of Nerve
November 15, 1930
The height of nerve. Thieves Saturday night stole State Highway Patrolman T. W. Birminghamās white flivver sedan while he was purchasing some cigarettes preparatory to attending the stateās school for patrolmen in Sacramento.
The car was found later on a highway near there, wrecked.
Birmingham was in anything but a jovial mood today as a result of chiding.
Optimism Voiced by Congressman
Congressman H. L. Englebright from this district, in an interview granted today, stated that he was certain of a great change for the better in America’s unemployment situation next February.
Englebright also told of plans now underway for the construction of a million dollar resort and hotel accommodations to compare with the best of America’s national parks for the Mt. Lassen volcanic national park, near here. Actual construction operations would not begin for some time, however, Englebright said.