13 Carloads of Spuds Shipped from Lassen
November 25, 1925
Thirteen carloads of graded potatoes have been shipped out of Lassen County during the past two weeks. Approximately seven carloads more will be shipped in the near future.
Each car is being inspected by Assistant County Quarantine Guardian Dave Oates. Mr. Oates stated that some very good quality of potatoes have been screened, graded and shipped out of the county.
The demand for Lassen County potatoes has reached its climax this year when several Los Angeles and San Francisco buyers have canvassed the farms where potatoes are being grown with the view of purchasing carload lots.
The average yield of potatoes in Lassen County has ranged from six to eight and ten tons per acre. The Bronson and Wemple ranch near Milford averaged 15 tons per acre of marketable potatoes this year. This is an exceptional yield, however.