Lassen Schools Plan Many Events Before Christmas
November 30th, 1936
An extensive program of extracurricular activities has been scheduled at the Lassen Union high school and Junior College between now and the Christmas holiday.
The first event will be the annual parents’ and sons’ banquet and entertainment to be sponsored by the Future Farmers of America, Friday, December 4, in the school gymnasium.
On December 5, 14 students will represent the school at the student conference to be held in Redding under the direction of the Y.M.C.A. The conference will feature a study of student problems.
The senior play. “The Last of the Ruthvens: will be presented on Friday, December 11, and on the following day six students will attend the California Scholarship Federation conference at Corning. The federation membership included students with high scholastic standings.
The last week of school before the holidays will be unusually busy. The Dixie Jubilee singers, famous entertainment group, will give a public performance at the school on Monday, December 14. The Block L Society’s fathers and son’s night program featuring boxing, wrestling, tumbling and other gymnastics, is scheduled for December 16, and on December 17 the Christmas assembly program will be presented.
A mother’s and daughter’s banquet on December 14 will be sponsored by the 3-A club.
School will be dismissed on December 18 for the holidays and will resume on Monday, January 4.
The new activities period schedule at the school went into effect yesterday providing a period on two days of the school week during which pupils will make up school work and hold conferences with their teachers. The schedule was arranged for the convenience of students who have outside of town and who are unable to remain after school, but it applies to all pupils.