Buy At Home
October 16, 1919
Stick to Your Home Merchants
If they haven’t what you want, they can get it for you—and they will if you let them.
Our Government Pricing Commission found all of your merchants handling their goods at a bare living wage.
Awful job to return to the mail order houses so many of the bum goods which they send out now-days.
Stop ordering Merchandise by mail.
STOP NOW! And you will be richer ten years hence. We your local dealers, are your fellow citizens – we fraternize and socialize; we live, love and laugh with you.
The dollar spent at home keeps us all here, and your neighbors and yourself get another whack at it – this same dollar.
You know it takes the dollar to keep the wheels of a community agog; when enough of them reaches the other town it hums, and our community has lost a heartbeat and slips back that much.
As we prosper you prosper. Bear this in mind and love your neighbor for being near to you.