Eight New Instructors at Lassen High
September 22, 1958
There are eight new teachers at the Lassen High School this year.
They are, Robert Battaga who, under an Air Force policy of releasing personnel to teach math and science in civilian schools, was discharged from the serv ice to accept the position here. He is 23 years old.
Donald Bowman 28 a graduate of the University of Oregon who will teach driver training, bookkeeping, commercial math and typing.
Warren Chapman, 35, advanced art, ceramics, freehand drawing, design. He is a native of Montana and a graduate of the Montana State College.
Betty Purvis, girls physical education. She is a graduate of Alameda High School and the University of California in Berkley.
Norman Rudnick English. He is 27 years old and is transferring from Herlong where he taught for three years.
Harold Shean civics, world geography. He is 31 years old and a graduate of the University of Washington. His home is in Burlington. He taught in Washington State for two years.
Katherine Warner, office practice, typing and shorthand. She is a graduate of Lassen High School and this year graduated from the University of Nevada. Her home is in Chester.
Kirk Young, algebra, general math, solid geometry, trigonometry. He is a native of San Carlos and comes here from Sequoia High School in Redwood City.