Lynn Parker, Principal at McKinley Elementary School, is asking for the public’s help to end a series of break-ins that have plagued the school for the last three weeks.
According to Parker, the school has been broken into once a week. “The first week they stole a flat screen television and a key board. The robbery was thwarted when they got into the office and the alarm went off.”
“Last week they broke in and stole a stereo, food from the freezers, rummaged through the speakers system on our stage and broke the locks on 7 classrooms”
Wednesday night the school was once again entered, this time with the burglars breaking 11 door locks and taking various items including two laptop computers, a camera, keys, milk and kitchen utensils.
“One computer is for a special needs student. It was in a purple leather looking bag. It is her only way to communicate,” explains Parker, ”The other lap top is our speech therapist and it is what she uses for writing her evaluations and plans for helping students.”
The school is asking anyone who has information about the crimes to please call the Susanville Police Department at 257-5603 or McKinley School at 257-5161.