Children ages 5 to 14 are invited to come learn about the basic fundamentals of football and to meet the Lassen High coaches and players at the annual Mini Grizz Football Camp being held this year on July 16th and 17th.
The cost is $40 which includes the two-day camp and if you pre-register you’ll get a cool t-shirt! The camp will be held in the field area at Diamond View School and the pre-registration deadline is July 9th.
While this camp is open to all youth, please note that camp hours will apply towards the mandatory 10 hours of conditioning for registered youth football players.
Hours for the camp are 8:00 to 11:00a.m. and players need to bring water, cleats, shorts and a shirt.
You can click here to download a registration form and if you have any questions please call Michelle at 249-7523.