Up to 300 motorcycle riders are expected to compete in the Diamond Back Hare Scrambles motorcycle race, Saturday and Sunday, April 23rd and 24th, at the Bureau of Land Management Fort Sage Off-Highway Vehicle Area near Doyle. For safety reasons, trail access will be available only to participants during the event.
Spectators are welcome at designated viewing areas and are reminded to always recreate responsibly on public lands and know before you go.
Participants and visitors can camp overnight at the Raptor Trailhead on the left of the main entrance road. There are signs for the trailhead. Single-day visitors will use parking areas along the access roads.
“Our Fort Sage area provides an ideal setting for competitive events. Our trails are routed and designed to avoid impacts to natural and cultural resources, while providing challenges for riders,” said BLM Eagle Lake Field Office Manager Emily Ryan. “We expect great conditions for competitors and spectators.”
To reach the Fort Sage OHV Area, take Laver Crossing from U. S. Highway 395 just north of Doyle and follow the directional signs about four miles to the Raptor Trailhead.
Cross Country Promotions LLC and American Motorcyclist Association sponsor this race under a special recreation permit from the BLM. The organizers will provide course marshals, and the BLM will provide law enforcement rangers and staff to help monitor the event.
The Fort Sage OHV Area provides about 100 miles of roads and trails suitable for all levels of motorcycle riders and for all terrain vehicles and four-wheel-drive trucks. Trails are marked with difficulty ratings and appropriate vehicle types.
There are three primary trailheads offering toilets, loading areas, picnic tables and fire rings. Camping is allowed in the trailhead areas. There are no fees. Click here for detailed information.
For more information, telephone Marisa Williams at the BLM office in Susanville, 1.530.252.5303.