Local author Dianna Henning’s new book of poems, “Camaraderie of the Marvelous,” is on sale now and can be found here in Susanville at Margie’s Book Nook, the Lassen County Arts Council’s Gallery on Cottage Street, as well as B&B Books, Artisans and on the publisher’s website, or through Amazon Books.
“Camaraderie of the Marvelous recognizes the sublime in the everyday world. The poet, alive to the living earth, describes a brotherhood of creatures and human kind,”says Lara Gularte, author of Kissing the Bee.
“In her poem “Come late July,” the wolf in the bramble bush “became my heart’s centerpiece.” There’s a generosity of spirit in her words, even on the subject of death. “How boundless this life / that eventually passes / So much along the way was wonder.” We are drawn and convinced of Henning’s observations. Every line will make you grateful for the time spent in her world.”
Henning holds a Master of Fine Arts in Writing ‘89 from Vermont College in Montpelier.
She has been published in, in part: Artemis Journal; New American Writing; The Kerf; Plainsongs, The Moth, Ireland; Sukoon, Volume 5; Mojave River Review; the New Verse News; Hawaii Pacific Review; Sequestrum; South Dakota Review; Naugatuck River Review; Lullwater Review; Blue Fifth Review; The Main Street Rag; Clackamas Literary Review; 22 wagons by Danijela Trajković, Istok Akademia, an anthology of contemporary Anglophone poetry; California Quarterly; Poetry International and Fugue. Earlier publications include Pembroke Magazine, Crazyhorse, Seattle Review, Asheville Poetry Review, and The Louisville Review.
Henning is a Four-time Pushcart Prize nominee. Past winner of Eastern Washington University’s Fellowship to the Dublin Writers’ Centre.
Henning taught through California Poets in the Schools, received several California Arts Council grants and taught poetry workshops through the William James Association’s Prison Arts Program which included Folsom Prison in Represa CA and the Stockton Youth Authority’s, O.H. Close School.