The Lassen County Civil Grand Jury has been empaneled for this grand jury year, which runs from July 1st, 2022 to June 30th, 2023 and as part of the Jury process citizens may ask the Civil Grand Jury to investigate their concerns about county or city departments, special districts or the officers and personnel within them.
It is done by submitting a Citizen Complaint Form describing the perceived mistreatment or suspicions of governmental misconduct or inefficiency.
You can print a complaint form, which can be filled out and submitted to the Grand Jury for their consideration. Click here to download the printable form.
Blank Complaint Forms are also available at the Hall of Justice, at the clerk’s window. All complaints must be received by mail.
Complaints can be sent to The Civil Grand Jury, 2610 Riverside Drive, Box 48, Susanville, CA 96130.
The Civil Grand Jury is not a citizen complaint agency – it uses complaints to identify policies and procedures that might need improvement. Lassen County’s Grand Jury exists as a watchdog entity to process any complaint that a resident of our county submits regarding a city governmental agency, a county governmental agency, a special district (fire, school, etc.), or similar entity.
While the Civil Grand Jury cannot investigate every complaint, each one is considered carefully and treated confidentially.