The Eagle Lake Ranger District of the Lassen National Forest is initiating scoping for the Fredonyer Butte Trail Project. The project is funded through the Title II funds approved by the Lassen County RAC. ELRD proposes to develop approximately 24.5 miles of multi-use, non-motorized loop trails and two trailheads around Fredonyer Butte.
The Proposed Action involves development of non-motorized trails to be used for hiker/pedestrian, bicycle, and horse trails, near Fredonyer Butte.
A new trailhead is proposed at Fredonyer Crest, north of State Route 36 near the snowmobile groomer shed.
The conceptual plan for this trailhead includes a parking area, informational kiosk, and one vault toilet. Additional parking space and a kiosk is planned near Goumaz Campground to accommodate day use activities on the trails.
This trail system will access scenic vistas and provide interpretive opportunities for users to discover the natural and cultural resources in the area.
Copies of the proposed action, purpose and need, and decision to be made, are available at the Eagle Lake Ranger District office located at 477-050 Eagle Lake Rd, Susanville, CA 96130.
Comments should relate to the proposed action and identification of any issues about the anticipated effects from this proposed action. Responses must be in a written format to have standing during the objection period for this project. Please respond on or before May 4th, so your input can be considered as we move into the next phase of the National Environmental Policy Act process.
The Fredonyer Butte Trail Project is subject to the Pre-decisional Administrative Review process as described under 36 CFR 218, subparts A & B for non-Healthy Forests Restoration Act projects. To be eligible to object to an environmental assessment under this regulation, an individual or organization must submit timely, specific written comments regarding a proposed project during scoping or any other public comment period established by the responsible official.
The commenter is responsible for providing literature cited in their comment, as well as the full citation and an explanation of how each piece of literature cited applies to the proposed action. A 30-day legal notice and comment period will be provided for this project. A 45-day objection period prior to a decision being made will follow rather than a post-decisional appeal period.
Scoping comments may be submitted to: Mike Martin, ECORP Consulting, Inc., 55 Hanover Lane, Suite A, Chico, CA 95973, (530) 965-5917, or via email at: [email protected]. For emailed comments, please copy KC Pasero, Rangeland Management Specialist, Lassen National Forest at [email protected].