Patsy Mae (Kanouse) Dotson was born on March 11, 1931 to Stella and Jay Knouse. She married Jerry Dotson in 1946, they had 4 children Jimmie, Donna, Juanita, and Nancy.
She was preceded in death by her husband Jerry, and son Jimmie, grandson Larry and recently a great grandson Alex.
She is survived by her daughter Donna(Mike), Juanita Hull, Nancy Riley( Mike), also 9 grandchildren, great grandchildren, and great-great grandchildren, and numerous nieces and nephews. Patsy loved to sing and play her guitar.
In the 1980’s she formed a “girl” band called “The Hootenanny Grannies”. Words to describe her; kind, loving, friendly, family oriented, welcoming, talented. We were blessed to have her. She will always be loved and missed.