With photos by
Christine Boyd and Bill Quinby
On April 1st the Soaring Eagle Blue Star Moms helped send local veteran, Hugh Jamison, to war memorials in Washington D.C. as part of Honor Flight Nevada. Jamison was a heavy equipment operator in the Army Air Corps during WWII and the 8th Lassen County veteran to make the DC excursion through the Honor Flight program.
Blue Star Mother Christine Boyd, who traveled as a Guardian on this Honor Flight, sent us these great pictures of Jamison in Washington taken by Bill Quinby.
While in Washington Jamison had a chance to visit Navy, Marine and Air Force memorials along with Arlington Cemetery for the changing of the guard and memorials for those killed in World War II, Korea and Vietnam.
The Blue Star Moms and Honor Flight Nevada have previously made the trip possible for: Zetta Clark Marines-WWII, Don McDonald Navy-WWII, Don Stampfli Army-Korean War, Marvin Houston Merchant Marines-WWII, Ray Nadeau Navy-WWII, Glen Hail Navy-WWII and Bill Knox Navy-Vietnam.
To learn more about the Honor Flights go to honorflightnv.org or follow Honor Flight Nevada on Facebook.
If you would like to make a donation to help send more Lassen County veterans on the Honor Flight, please send a check or money order to:
Soaring Eagle Blue Star Moms
1205 Main Street
Susanville, CA 96130
Donations will earmark for local veterans to fly out on the Honor Flight Nevada.