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HomeAnnouncementsRequest For Proposal for Diamond Mountain Bar & Grill

Request For Proposal for Diamond Mountain Bar & Grill


The City of Susanville is offering an exciting opportunity to manage and operate a full service restaurant and bar with all equipment necessary for its successful operation. The Diamond Mountain Bar & Grill is located on the Diamond Mountain Golf Course, an 18-hole golf course in Susanville California. Interested parties can visit www.cityofsusanville.org to download a copy of the RFP. Deadline to submit completed RFP is April 22, 2016 at 4:00pm

Located at the DIAMOND MOUNTAIN GOLF COURSE, Susanville, CA 96130

Issue Date: March 29, 2016

Due Date: April 22, 2016

City of Susanville
Attn: Jared G. Hancock
66 North Lassen Street
Susanville, CA 96130
Before 5:00 p.m.


The City of Susanville is offering an exciting opportunity to manage and operate a full service restaurant and bar with all equipment necessary for its successful operation.

The City of Susanville (“City”) seeks proposals from an individual or company, hereafter referred to as “Proposer”, to manage and operate the Diamond Mountain Bar & Grill at the Diamond Mountain Golf Course (“Course”) for a period of one (1) year with up to two, one year extensions. The Proposer supplying this service must be experienced in the food, beverage, restaurant, and bar industry and be able to operate an economical, effective, healthy, and safe public dining, kitchen, bar and restaurant operation which complies with all applicable local, county, state and federal policies, procedures, rules, regulations, codes and laws. The Proposer must be able to obtain all pertinent kitchen, restaurant, bar and facility operational permits and licenses and pay all associated local, county, state, and federal fees, registrations and taxes. The Proposer will be fully insurable to City established levels of coverage, name the City as policy co-insured, and keep in effect all required coverages during the term of the agreement for services; if chosen as the successful service provider.

The City seeks proposals from interested parties to perform services related to operating the kitchen, restaurant, bar and associated maintenance service at the Diamond Mountain Bar & Grill. Proposer must have the ability to obtain a Type 47 liquor license. The Proposer shall be responsible for all operational costs including utilities (propane, water and electric), garbage service as well as any operational costs and shall propose a monthly rent to the City for use of the facility.

Should this arrangement prove successful, it is the City’s intent to renew, extend and renegotiate operating and associated Bar & Grill operations for additional years. All private service proposals should contain complete detailed written information on: experience, scope of operations, scope of services, projection of income, marketing plans, personnel employed, employment history, current financial status, self-supplied fixtures and furnishings.

The City will provide the facility in as is condition, unless otherwise specified; along with existing kitchen fixtures and furnishings, cooking utensils, cooking space, serving utensils, service space, dry goods storage space, frozen goods storage space, dining tables, dining seats and dining chairs. The Diamond Mountain Bar & Grill kitchen, bar and restaurant areas will be available for inspections, by calling 530-257-2520 for appointments, prior to the RFP submittal deadline.

The following outlines the schedule of major activities related to the RFP distribution, proposal submission and evaluation processes. All times are stated in Pacific Time.

  1. RFP Advertised and posted on the City of Susanville web site March 29, 2016
  2. Proposal submission deadline – April 22, 2016
  3. Proposal Review / Interviews – April 25-28, 2016

Tentative Council consideration and selection – May 4, 2016. Selected Vendor will begin operations and be open to the public no later than 14 days after Council selection. Facility will be available for move in by successful proposer on May 5, 2016

The Proposer shall address and provide all the information requested under this proposal in connection with and with respect to the following goals, objectives and provisions for the previously described project.

A. Proposer Provides Products and Services:

The Scope of services shall, as a minimum, included and provide for the following:

a. Meals and beverages for the restaurant and bar service for the golfing community and the general public at a reasonable price and in sufficient quantity.
b. System of product and service delivery and associated sanitary disposal.
c. An aesthetically pleasing atmosphere of product and service delivery, and related sanitary disposal.
d. A clean and sanitary maintenance & operations program which conforms to all City, County, State, and Federal Building, food service, restaurant operations, malt beverage /liquor dispensing regulations, and health codes.
e. A food and beverage service level which maximizes the patronage of the golfing community and general public.
f. An experienced operator who is able to contract with vendors and can order, purchase, dispense, inventory, track, control, and handle the waste stream of all products, materials and supplies involved in the Diamond Mountain Bar & Grill, restaurant and bar maintenance functions.
g. An experienced operator who can obtain a Type 47 liquor license for the purpose of serving alcoholic beverages in the bar.
h. An accurate, efficient and understandable means of business accounting and operations record keeping and reporting system.
i. An operation which maximizes interest and activity at the Course.
j. An operation which is reliable, responsible, and responsive to the needs of the customers, patrons and the City of Susanville.
k. Kitchen service, restaurant, and bar maintenance operations to begin no later than Spring 2016 and terminate November 30, 2016. Additional one year renewable term additions to be address / proposed by vendors.

B. City Provides Accommodations:

The service arrangements shall take into account the following Diamond Mountain Golf Bar & Grill bar, kitchen and restaurant furnishings, fixtures, and spaces of operation available to the Proposer:

a. The entire area known as the Diamond Mountain Bar & Grill located at 470-895 Circle Drive, Susanville, California. Said area consists of dining area, kitchen, storage areas, and joint access to restrooms together will all equipment fixtures and furniture therein contained, as listed on Exhibit “A”; expressly excluding the Pro Shop and Pro Shop Office.
b. The entire Diamond Mountain Bar & Grill for the purpose of selling food snacks, sandwiches, alcohol, soft drinks and other beverages.
c. Kitchen food cooking, preparation and utensil cleaning area as is.
d. Kitchen food service, presentation and beverage service areas as is.
e. Kitchen sales receipts and customer service areas as is.
f. Kitchen dry goods, frozen goods, shelving and refrigerator storage area as is and if any.
g. Use of current fixtures and other food service furnishings as is. The City of Susanville has attached an itemized inventory of fixtures, furnishings and equipment in Exhibit “A”.

C. Operational Information:

The Proposer food service, restaurant, bar and dining maintenance operation proposal shall include the following:

a. Annual Operational Plan: (1) estimated annual budget; (2) months, days and hours of operation; (3) employees, responsible organization contacts, telephone numbers and addresses.
b. Example of menu selections and associated prices, showing the variety and value of the food service offerings. Examples of event / party / tournament packages offered.
c. Example of Diamond Mountain Bar & Grill maintenance schedule for bussing of food stuffs, garbage removal, carpet cleaning, floor cleaning, etc.
d. Example of kitchen and food service area cleaning schedule for counter, beverage dispensers, kitchen grill, kitchen deep fat fryer, ice maker, utensils, dishes, etc. The entire facility is to be kept in a clean and sanitary state at all times.

D. Specific Proposal Items to Address:

a. Diamond Mountain Bar & Grill atmosphere, décor, theme or setting proposal changes or modifications.
b. Off-season on site catering, party or special events accommodations and proposals.
c. Golf Course food and beverage proposal to include snack / sandwich, drink / non-alcoholic and alcoholic beverage offerings, and proposed changes.
d. Plan to accommodate periods of high food service demand, and high restaurant / bar use, to assure adequate product delivery time, and maintain a clean dining facility?
e. Outline of proposal for an annual lease agreement with the City, which addresses:

i. Your proposal of annual lease dividend into eight (8) monthly payments.
ii. Your proposed insurance coverage(s) to satisfy the City of Susanville minimum insurance requirements.
iii. Proof of funds and ability to provide cash deposit of $ 15,000.
iv. Your proposal for lease term and number of anticipated term renewals

f. Outline your minimum proposal for the maintenance, cleaning, service, repair, and /improvements for the facility, which address:

i. Your proposal for the routine and / or daily cleaning of the kitchen and the general restaurant dining area (s).
ii. Your proposal for any immediate changes you must make to open for operation and proposal payment of facility utility costs.
iii. Your proposal for future service, accommodation or maintenance improvements.
iv. Your proposal for catering, food service promotions and other advertising.
v. Your proposal for funding routine and non-routine maintenance / repair costs.

E. RFP Submittal and Time Table:
Proposal due date is April 22, 2016 at 4:00 p.m. at City hall, 66 North Lassen Street, Susanville, CA 96130. Proposal submittals should be directed to: Jared Hancock, City Administrator (530-251-5100). Proposals received after this date and time will not be considered. The successful proposer should be prepared to begin services and maintenance operations Spring 2016.
The proposal submittal will be the Proposer’s indication that they have no problem in keeping this schedule.

In addition to the items addressed in the Scope of Service, the following information relating to the Proposer’s qualifications is requested:

a. Proposer’s name, address, and telephone number(s),
b. Type of service which Proposer is qualified to provide,
c. Name, qualifications and experience of key personnel available for this project,
d. Recent list of references and complete work(s) similar in nature.

The contents of this proposal, for the successful Proposer, may become contractual obligations if the City of Susanville wishes to execute the contract based on the submitted proposal. Failure of the successful Proposer to accept these obligations, in a purchase agreement, purchase order, contract, lease agreement or similar instrument may result in cancellation of the award and such Proposer may be removed from future solicitations.

The successful Proposer must be able to procure and maintain, during the course of this project agreement, and any subsequent renewals; public liability insurance and property damage insurance in the amount of One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000) for each claimant for any number of claims arising out of a single transaction or occurrence; and in the sum of Two Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($250,000) for all claims arising out of a single transaction of per occurrence; and property damage insurance in the amount of Twenty-Five Thousand Dollars ($25,000) per occurrence. Proposer agrees to also furnish comprehensive general liability coverage providing bodily injury, personal injury, property damages including products, liability, and complete operation coverage against any all claims and losses arising out of any operations of the Proposer, including the occupancy of the premises, sale, gift, serving, handling, or dispensing of
any product including malt and alcoholic beverages.

The Proposer shall provide the City with certificates evidencing such insurance as outlined above prior to beginning any work under this project. Such certificate shall provide the thirty (30) days advance written notice to the City of cancellation, material change, reduction of coverage, or non-renewal. Insurance certificates shall name the City as additional insured.

The Proposer’s compensation shall be from the restaurant, dining area, bar, sales of food, non-alcoholic and alcoholic beverages from the Bar & Grill unless otherwise agreed to over the agreed upon term of this agreement.

The City reserves the right to reject any and all proposals and to waive any informality. The Proposer vendor(s) shall be responsible and responsive to the City in its requirements within the scope of this proposal, and shall confer with and be guided by the directive of the City through the office of the City Administrator or his designated representative. The Proposer shall attend any special meetings with the City Administrator or City Staff relating to questions, performance or negotiations concerning this proposal. In the event that it becomes necessary to revise any of this RFP, an addendum to this RFP will be provided to each proposer. The City reserves the right to change submission date(s) for any reason, including an addendum or supplement to the RFP. Late proposals will not be accepted. It is the responsibility of the Proposer to ensure that the proposal arrives prior to 4:00 p.m. April 22, 2016.

The City will be selling concession items such as nonalcoholic beverages, water and candy in the Pro Shop.

In making a proposal, the Proposer hereby certifies that they have reviewed this RFP and are familiar with all conditions contained therein. The City will not be responsible for nor incur any cost associated with the submittal or preparation of this Request for Proposal.

Interested parties can visit www.cityofsusanville.org to download a copy of the RFP. Deadline to submit completed RFP is April 22, 2016 at 4:00pm



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