Standish 4-H will be hosting their ‘October Craft Show’ today and tomorrow in the Standish 4-H Hall featuring handmade crafts, craft supplies and goodies for everyone.
The event will be held from 1:00 to 6:00p.m. today, October 28th and 9:00a.m. until 3:00p.m. tomorrow, October 29th.
The Standish 4-H Hall is located at 718-880 Hwy 395 East in Standish.
Everyone is invited to come down to see what local crafters are offering.
On Saturday there will be hot food served from the 4-H kitchen and drawings for gift baskets, decorations and more.
All funds support the Standish 4-H Club.
For more information, please call Virginia 1.530.310.1993 or Melinda at 1.530.310.3178.