The Susanville Symphony’s Academy of Music will begin its 2016-2017 season with registration for classes and the Youth Orchestra being taken this week.
Youth Orchestra registration is Tuesday, September 27th at 6:00p.m., and registration for the Susanville Symphony Academy of Music Beginner and Intermediate classes will be held on Thursday, September 29th at 5:30p.m. at the Assembly of God Church on Richmond Road. There is a registration fee. Instruments are available for loan at no charge.
The Youth Orchestra is open to all ages. Participants get a year of instruction and the opportunity to perform a concert with the Susanville Symphony Youth Orchestra. Participants must be able to read music and have completed a year of music instruction.
Beginning Band is open to students who are at least 8 years old or in third grade. The class provides instruction in flute, clarinet, alto saxophone, trumpet, trombone and percussion. Students will learn to read music, and no previous music experience is required.
Classes will be taught by Music Academy Director Carol Fontana, local music instructor Ray Craig will mentor students learning to play brass instruments.
More information is available from Fontana at 257-3153.
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