The Susanville Kiwanis Club is once again offering scholarships to graduating Lassen High School Students. There will be five scholarships available for students pursuing either an academic or vocational career.
To qualify, students must be graduating high school seniors from the Lassen High School District attendance area with a grade point average of 2.5 or higher.
All students who are planning to attend a college/university or a vocational/technical college are encouraged to apply. Students interested in applying for these awards should contact the Lassen High School counseling office for the appropriate application, which must be submitted to the counseling office no later than Friday, April 22nd, 2016.
The Susanville Kiwanis club is a volunteer organization dedicated to changing the world by serving children, one child and one community at a time as well as assisting with the needs of the elderly in our community.
More information is available in the high school counseling office, or you can call Henry Hart at 257-9407.
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