A Susanville man sustained burns to his arms, hands and face during a fire in a residence on Elm Street in Sunday evening according to details released today by the Susanville Fire Department.
At 6:16p.m. on Sunday fire department responded to a reported residential structure fire at 610 Elm Street in Susanville where light smoke was found coming out of the front door of a single family residence.
According to Fire Captain Hal Phillips firefighters performed fire attack and ventilation operations and knocked down the small fire located in the basement at approximately 6:27p.m. Salvage and overhaul operations were also performed.
“The residence and its contents sustained light fire and smoke damage,” said Phillips. “A man and his fiancee were home at the time of the fire.”
The burn victim was transported to Banner Lassen by SEMSA.
Investigation into the cause of the fire is pending at press time.
Agencies also assisting in the incident were Susanville Police Department and SEMSA.