The Susanville Police Department and the Lassen County Animal Shelter are inviting you to bring your pet to their annual low-cost Rabies and licensing clinic on Saturday, June 11th, in Memorial Park.
Thompson Peak Veterinary Clinic will be providing discounted Rabies Vaccinations for $10.
City licenses are $3.50 for altered pets, $8 for unaltered and for County licenses the cost is $5 for altered pets and $15 for unaltered.
Why does your dog need to be licensed? Animal licensing assists the police department and county animal control personnel in identifying the owner of a stray or runaway animal. A dog that is licensed and wearing their identification tags can be returned to the owner quicker and avoid being taken to the animal shelter.
Make sure when you visit the event that your dog is on a leash and cats must be in pet carriers. If you are just coming for the license you must bring a current rabies vaccination certificate.
The Clinic will be held at Memorial Park from 10a.m. to 2:00p.m.
For more information regarding the Low Cost Rabies and Licensing Clinic, please contact the Susanville Police Department at 257-5603, or the Lassen Animal Shelter at 257-9200.