Monday, August 22
Lassen Family Services Budgeting Class is held every Monday from 4:00 – 5:00p.m., at Lassen Family Services or via Zoom. LFS Parenting Program and Housing Program are partnering with Golden 1 to provide free, weekly budgeting classes. Please call 530.257.4599 for more information or to get the Zoom link.
Tuesday, August 23
LHS Volleyball (JV, V) vs Modoc @ Modoc High School 5:00 PM – 7:30 PM JV @ 5:00, V @ 6:00
Tuesday, August 23
Lassen County Board of Supervisors Meeting 9:00a.m., 707 Nevada Street. Supervisors meet on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Tuesday of the month.
Tuesday, August 23
Rooptown 9 Neighborhood Watch Meeting 6:00p.m., at the Susanville Senior Citizens Club, 1700 Sunkist Dr. Group meets on the fourth Tuesday of each month. “ROOPTOWN 9” NW area covers west of Grand Avenue up to just West of North Roop Street and from Main to Chestnut Streets. Invite a neighbor! All interested are welcome. For more information, call (530) 310-2719.
Wednesday, August 24
LGBTO+ Parent Support Group 5:30 – 6:30p.m., Every Wednesday at 1306 Riverside Dr. Susanville, CA 96130 or via Zoom- Meeting ID: 843 9825 9855. For More Information, Please Contact Us At (530)257-4599. Are you a parent, grandparent, foster parent, or guardian of an LGBTQ+ youth? Come join our group! The LGBTQ+ parent support group is safe confidential space where members can vent and feel understood on a peer-to-peer level regarding personal topics. We ask that you do not bring accompanying children.
Thursday, August 25
LHS Volleyball (JV, V) vs Fall River @Fall River Junior-Senior High School 5:00 PM – 7:30 PM. JV at 5:00, V at 6:00
Thursday, August 25
Lassen Family Services Interactive Journaling class is held weekly at 11:00a.m., at Lassen Family Services 1306 Riverside Drive. All classes are FREE and will take place via Zoom. Contact 530.257.4599 for more information or to enroll.
Thursday, August 25
LHS Football (Fr) vs Shasta @Shasta High School 5:30 PM – 7:00 PM
Friday, August 26
LHS Football (JV, V) vs Shasta @Shasta High School 5:30 PM – 9:00 PM JV at 5:30, V at 7:30
Saturday, August 27
LHS Field Hockey Jamboree @ Chico (All day). Lassen Varsity Plays at Chico at:9:40, 10:30, 12:10, 2:50, & 4:30. JV plays at Chico at: 10:05, 10:55, 12:35, 3:15, 4:55
Saturday, August 27
LHS Volleyball (Fr, JV, V) @ Yreka Tournament @ TBD (All day) Yreka High School; YMCA; Jackson Street Elementary School JV teams play at Jackson St Elementary & YMCA V teams play at Yreka’s old and new gyms.
Saturday, August 27
Susanville Farmer’s Market 8:00a.m., noon at Pancera Plaza. The market is held each Saturday beginning June 11th, from 8:00 to 12:00p.m., thru October 1st. The market will feature fresh produce, meats, local crafts, delicious food, and more. For more information or to become a vendor, contact [email protected].
Monday, August 28
LHS Field Hockey vs Chico @ HOME 3:30 PM – 6:30 PM JV @ 3:30, V @ 5:00
Monday, August 28
LHS Volleyball Alumni Game 5:30 PM – 7:00 PM
Monday, August 28
Lassen Family Services Budgeting Class is held every Monday from 4:00 – 5:00p.m., at Lassen Family Services or via Zoom. LFS Parenting Program and Housing Program are partnering with Golden 1 to provide free, weekly budgeting classes. Please call 530.257.4599 for more information or to get the Zoom link.