Monday, August 29
LHS Field Hockey vs Chico @home. JV at 3:30, V at 5:00
Monday, August 29
LHS Volleyball Alumni Game 5:30 – 7:00
Tuesday, August 30
LHS Volleyball vs Enterprise @Home. FR 4:30, JV 5:30 and V 6:30
Wednesday, August 31
LHS Field Hockey vs Red Bluff @Red Bluff JV 3:30, V at 5:00
Wednesday, August 31
LGBTO+ Parent Support Group 5:30 – 6:30p.m., Every Wednesday at 1306 Riverside Dr. Susanville, CA 96130 or via Zoom- Meeting ID: 843 9825 9855. For More Information, Please Contact Us At (530)257-4599. Are you a parent, grandparent, foster parent, or guardian of an LGBTQ+ youth? Come join our group! The LGBTQ+ parent support group is safe confidential space where members can vent and feel understood on a peer-to-peer level regarding personal topics. We ask that you do not bring accompanying children.
Thursday, September 1
LHS Girls Golf vs Yreka @ Lake Shastina Golf Resort 1:00 – 4:00
Thursday, September 1
LHS Volleyball vs Shasta at Shasta High School FR 4:30, JV 5:30 and V 6:30
Thursday, September 1
Lassen Family Services Interactive Journaling class is held weekly at 11:00a.m., at Lassen Family Services 1306 Riverside Drive. All classes are FREE and will take place via Zoom. Contact 530.257.4599 for more information or to enroll.
Friday, September 2
LHS Cross Country @ Bill Springhorn Invitational Shasta College 10:15 – 4:15.
Friday, September 2
LHS Football vs Red Bluff @ Red Bluff High School FR 3:00, JV 5:00 V 7:30
Saturday, September 3
LHS Volley @ Oroville Tournament Oroville High School, All Day
Saturday, September 2
Susanville Farmer’s Market 8:00a.m., noon at Pancera Plaza. The market is held each Saturday beginning June 11th, from 8:00 to 12:00p.m., thru October 1st. The market will feature fresh produce, meats, local crafts, delicious food, and more. For more information or to become a vendor, contact [email protected].