Monday, February 7
Lassen Union High School District Adult Programs – Diploma Gold. Monday and Wednesday nights from 5:30 – 8:30p.m., at Lassen High School, 1110 Main St, Susanville. Free Courses: Open Entry. Diploma Gold – Offers a high school diploma program. Please call Zeane’ Barber at 530-257-2703 to sign up or for more information.
Tuesday, February 8
Lassen Union High School District Adult Programs – Woodshop/Construction Trades. Tuesdays and Thursdays from 5:30 – 8:30p.m., at the Lassen High woodshop room 511. Anyone over the age of 18 is welcome to join and learn new skills or improve the ones they already have. Questions, please call Zeane’ Barber at 530-257-2703.
Tuesday, February 8
LHS Boys Basketball V Yreka 4:30 – 6:00p.m. @ Yreka
Tuesday, February 8
LHS Boys Basketball V Central Valley @ Central Valley (JV, V) 5:30 – 7:00
Tuesday, February 8
LHS Girls Basketball V Central Valley @ Lassen 5:30 – 8:30p.m. (JV, V)
Tuesday, February 8
Lassen Family Services Holiday Budgeting Class is held every Tuesday from 4:00 – 5:00p.m., at Lassen Family Services or via Zoom. LFS Parenting Program and Housing Program are partnering with Golden 1 to provide free, weekly budgeting classes. Please call 530-257-4599 for more information or to get the Zoom link.
Tuesday, February 8
Lassen County Board of Supervisors Meeting, 9:00p.m., 707 Nevada Street. Supervisors meet on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Tuesday of the month.
Wednesday, February 9
Lassen Union High School District Adult Programs – Welding. Wednesdays from 6:00 – 8:00pm at the Lassen High School Welding Shop Room 506. Anyone over the age of 18 is welcome to join and learn new skills or improve the ones they already have. Questions, please call Zeane’ Barber at 530-257-2703.
Wednesday, February 9
Lassen County Board of Education Meeting 4:00p.m.,472-013 Johnstonville Rd. Monthly on the second Wednesday
Wednesday, February 9
LCC Women’s Basketball V Butte College @ Oroville ⋅5:00 – 7:00pm
Wednesday, February 9
LCC Men’s Basketball V Butte College @ Oroville ⋅7:00 – 9:00pm
Wednesday, February 9
Lassen Union High School District Adult Programs – Diploma Gold. Monday and Wednesday nights from 5:30 – 8:30pm at Lassen High School, 1110 Main St, Susanville. Free Courses: Open Entry. Diploma Gold – Offers a high school diploma program. Please call Zeane’ Barber at 530-257-2703 to sign up or for more information.
Thursday, February 10
Lassen Union High School District Adult Programs – Woodshop/Construction Trades. Tuesdays and Thursdays from 5:30 – 8:30pm, at the Lassen High woodshop room 511. Anyone over the age of 18 is welcome to join and learn new skills or improve the ones they already have. Questions, please call Zeane’ Barber at 530-257-2703.
Thursday, February 10
Lassen Union High School District Adult Programs – Information Technology. Thursdays from 5:30 – 7:30pm, at 814 Cottage Street. Anyone over the age of 18 is welcome to join and learn new skills or improve the ones they already have. Please call Zeane’ Barber at 530-257-2703 for more information.
Thursdays, February 10
LCC Baseball V American River College @ American River College 2:00p.m.
Thursday, February 10
LHS Boys Basketball V Anderson @Anderson (JV, V) 6:00, 7:30
Friday, February 11
LCC Baseball V Yuba College @ Yuba College 11:00a.m.
Friday, February 11
LHS Girls Basketball V Anderson @ Anderson 4:30 – 7:30pm (Fr, JV)
Friday, February 11
Lassen Youth Football and Cheer Early Bird Registration, February 11th, and February 25th from 5:00 – 7:00p.m., at the Comfort Inn in Susanville. Online early bird registration is also available for the whole month of February. Follow their Facebook page Lassen Youth Football and Cheer for updates and more information.
Friday, February 11th
Monticol Club Valentine’s Day Vendor Event. 3:30 – 8:30p.m., at the Monticola Clubhouse 140 S. Lassen Street. Get a character done $15 per person black/white, $20 per person Greyscale and $25 per person full color. Vendors: Those Buns Dough, Back COuntry Grub, Paparazzi, Wil Wynn Soap Co., Tupperware, Cj’s Blankets, Mama Bear Creations, Color Street, Scentsy, Ombre Symone OPrganics, Avon, Staind Glass Creations, Jessica Rash, Caricatures by Larry.
Saturday, February 12th
Monticol Club Valentine’s Day Vendor Event. 9:00 – 5:00p.m., at the Monticola Clubhouse 140 S. Lassen Street. Get a character done $15 per person black/white, $20 per person Greyscale and $25 per person full color. Vendors: Those Buns Dough, Back COuntry Grub, Paparazzi, Wil Wynn Soap Co., Tupperware, Cj’s Blankets, Mama Bear Creations, Color Street, Scentsy, Ombre Symone OPrganics, Avon, Staind Glass Creations, Jessica Rash, Caricatures by Larry.
Saturday, February 11
LCC Baseball V Yuba College @ Yuba College 12:00p.m.
Saturday, February 11
Lassen County Cattlemen & Cattlewomen Presents, A Taste of Beef A Sip of Wine. Saturday, February 12th from 5:30 – 8:30p.m., located at Susanville Elks Lodge. Live music by the band Timeless plays from 9:00 – 11:00p.m. Must be 21 years of age to attend. Presale tickets are $35 per person and can be purchased at the Lassen County Fairgrounds or KJDX/KSUE Radio Station.
Monday, February 14
Lassen Union High School District Adult Programs – Diploma Gold. Monday and Wednesday nights from 5:30 – 8:30pm at Lassen High School, 1110 Main St, Susanville. Free Courses: Open Entry. Diploma Gold – Offers a high school diploma program. Please call Zeane’ Barber at 530-257-2703 to sign up or for more information.