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HomeCalendar of EventsSusanvillestuff Community Event Calendar Brought to you by CASA of Lassen Family...

Susanvillestuff Community Event Calendar Brought to you by CASA of Lassen Family Services March 14 – March 21, 2022

Monday, March 14
Lassen Union High School District Adult Programs – Diploma Gold. Monday and Wednesday nights from 5:30 – 8:30pm at Lassen High School, 1110 Main St, Susanville. Free Courses: Open Entry. Diploma Gold – Offers a high school diploma program. Please call Zeane’ Barber at 530-257-2703 to sign up or for more information.

Tuesday, March 15
Johnstonville School Kindergarten Round-Up. New for the 2022-2023school year, Johnstonville School will have its own Transitional Kindergarten classroom and teacher for the program. Children must turn 5 on or before September 2, 2022, for Kindergarten, or must turn 5 before June 2, 2023, to enroll in Transitional Kindergarten. Packets are available now in the front office, or pick one up at our Kindergarten Round-Up on Tuesday, March 15th from3-5 pm in Room 200. Please bring proof of residency, birth certificate and current immunizations. If you have questions, please call the office at530-257-2471.

Tuesday, March 15
Lassen Union High School District Adult Programs – Woodshop/Construction Trades. Tuesdays and Thursdays from 5:30 – 8:30pm, at the Lassen High woodshop room 511. Anyone over the age of 18 is welcome to join and learn new skills or improve the ones they already have. Questions, please call Zeane’ Barber at 530-257-2703.

Tuesday, March 15
Lassen County Board of Supervisors meets on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Tuesday of the month at 9:00a.m., at Board Chambers 707 Nevada Street.

Tuesday, March 15
Lassen Family Services Holiday Budgeting Class is held every Tuesday from 4:00 – 5:00p.m., at Lassen Family Services or via Zoom. LFS Parenting Program and Housing Program are partnering with Golden 1 to provide free, weekly budgeting classes. Please call 530-257-4599 for more information or to get the Zoom link.

Tuesday, March 15
Healing Hearts, a recovery group for adult survivors of child sexual abuse, meets at 6 p.m. on the first and third Tuesday of each month. They meet at 55 North Union Street, Suite C. For more information contact Peter Celum at 559-286-8558, or email [email protected].

Wednesday, March 16
Lassen Union High School District Adult Programs – Welding. Wednesdays from 6:00 – 8:00pm at the Lassen High School Welding Shop Room 506. Anyone over the age of 18 is welcome to join and learn new skills or improve the ones they already have. Questions, please call Zeane’ Barber at 530-257-2703.

Wednesday, March 16
Lassen Union High School District Adult Programs – Diploma Gold. Monday and Wednesday nights from 5:30 – 8:30pm at Lassen High School, 1110 Main St, Susanville. Free Courses: Open Entry. Diploma Gold – Offers a high school diploma program. Please call Zeane’ Barber at 530-257-2703 to sign up or for more information.

Wednesday, March 16
Susanville City Council Meeting 4:30 at City of Susanville, 66 N Lassen St. Susanville City Council meets 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month.

Thursday, March 17
Lassen Humane Society will be holding a St. Patrick’s Day drive-thru dinner from 5:00 to 7:00p.m., at the Lassen Senior Center.

Thursday, March 17
March Chamber Mixer at 5:30pm, located at Highway to the Gaming Zone, 1430 Main St in Susanville. Make this St. Patrick’s Day one for the whole family with arcade games, specialty drinks, small bites, and a raffle! Everyone is welcome to attend; you do not have to be a Chamber member attend and we encourage you to bring a friend.

Thursday, March 17
Lassen County Fish & Game Commission Board meets at 7:00p.m., at 707 Nevada Street. They met the third Thursday of each month.

Thursday, March 17
Lassen Union High School District Adult Programs – Woodshop/Construction Trades. Tuesdays and Thursdays from 5:30 – 8:30pm, at the Lassen High woodshop room 511. Anyone over the age of 18 is welcome to join and learn new skills or improve the ones they already have. Questions, please call Zeane’ Barber at 530-257-2703.

Thursday, March 17
Lassen Union High School District Adult Programs – Information Technology. Thursdays from 5:30 – 7:30pm, at 814 Cottage Street. Anyone over the age of 18 is welcome to join and learn new skills or improve the ones they already have. Please call Zeane’ Barber at 530-257-2703 for more information.

Thursday, March 17
Benevolent Association meets at 10:00a.m. at the Lassen Senior Center.

Friday, March 18
LCC Rodeo Team West Hills College Rodeo @ Coalinga, CA

Friday, March 18
The Shenanigan’s Shindig hosted by Susanville Soroptimist. Join us to fight for CCC. All proceeds to be donated to help with legal costs. This event will include live music by the band ‘Timeless”, Pot of Gold Wheel, Couples Leprechaun Contest, Leprechaun Limbo, Silent Auction, Drinks and Snacks! Tickets are $25 per person and can be purchased at Axia Home Loans. For more information, please contact Kerri Cobb at 530.310.1303.

Friday, March 18
Standish-Litchfield Fire Protection District Board meets at 7:00p.m., at the Chappius Lane Fire Station. They meet the third Friday of each month.

Saturday, March 19
The Susanville Symphony Society brings you The Susanville Swing Band, 7:00p.m., at the Elk’s Lodge. Tickets are $25 and can be purchased at Margie’s Book Nook or Axia Home Loans. For more information, visit their website or call the Symphony Hotline at 530.310.8111.

Saturday, March 19
Susanville Church of the Nazarene Knitting and Crochet Group: Chicks with Sticks 10:00 – 11:00a.m. This group is for anyone in the community who would like to join and they are willing to teach you to knit or crochet if you want to learn. They take on charity projects from time to time. They meet at the Susanville Church of the Nazarene 530-260-3790, monthly on the third Saturday.

Saturday, March 19
Lassen Amateur Radio Club Monthly meets monthly on the third Saturday of the month at 11:00a.m., at the Susanville Pizza Factory. A monthly group meeting for brunch and socializing about their hobby.

Saturday, March 19
LCC Rodeo Team West Hills College Rodeo @ Coalinga, CA

Monday, March 21
Lassen Union High School District Adult Programs – Diploma Gold. Monday and Wednesday nights from 5:30 – 8:30pm at Lassen High School, 1110 Main St, Susanville. Free Courses: Open Entry. Diploma Gold – Offers a high school diploma program. Please call Zeane’ Barber at 530-257-2703 to sign up or for more information.

Jeremy Couso
Jeremy Couso Publisher/Editor
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