Monday, May 2
Lassen Union High School District Adult Programs – Diploma Gold. Monday and Wednesday nights from 5:30 – 8:30p.m., at Lassen High School, 1110 Main St, Susanville. Free Courses: Open Entry. Diploma Gold – Offers a high school diploma program. Please call Zeane’ Barber at 530.257.2703 to sign up or for more information.
Monday, May 2
Lassen Family Services Budgeting Class is held every Monday from 4:00 – 5:00p.m., at Lassen Family Services or via Zoom. LFS Parenting Program and Housing Program are partnering with Golden 1 to provide free, weekly budgeting classes. Please call 530.257.4599 for more information or to get the Zoom link.
Tuesday, May 3
LHS Re-scheduled from 4/21-Boys Golf @ Lassen, Diamond Mountain Golf 12:00p.m.
Tuesday, May 3
LHS Softball (V) (DH) vs U-Prep at Lassen College 3:00 – 7:00p.m.
Tuesday, May 3
LHS Baseball (JV, V) vs U-Prep at University Preparatory; Tiger Field 4:00p.m.
Tuesday, May 3
Lassen Union High School District Adult Programs – Woodshop/Construction Trades. Tuesdays and Thursdays from 5:30 – 8:30p.m., at the Lassen High woodshop room 511. Anyone over the age of 18 is welcome to join and learn new skills or improve the ones they already have. Questions, please call Zeane’ Barber at 530.257.2703.
Tuesday, May 3
Healing Hearts, a recovery group for adult survivors of child sexual abuse, meets at 6 p.m. on the first and third Tuesday of each month at 55 North Union Street, Suite C. For more information contact Peter Celum at 559.286.8558, or email [email protected].
Wednesday, May 4
Susanville City Council Meeting 4:30p.m., Susanville City Hall. Susanville City Council Meeting 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month.
Wednesday, May 4
Lassen Union High School District Adult Programs – Welding. Wednesdays from 6:00 – 8:00p.m., at the Lassen High School Welding Shop Room 506. Anyone over the age of 18 is welcome to join and learn new skills or improve the ones they already have. Questions, please call Zeane’ Barber at 530.257.2703.
Wednesday, May 4
Lassen Union High School District Adult Programs – Diploma Gold. Monday and Wednesday nights from 5:30 – 8:30p.m., at Lassen High School, 1110 Main St, Susanville. Free Courses: Open Entry. Diploma Gold – Offers a high school diploma program. Please call Zeane’ Barber at 530.257.2703 to sign up or for more information.
Thursday, May 5
Lassen Family Services Interactive Journaling class is held weekly at 11:00a.m., at Lassen Family Services 1306 Riverside Drive. All classes are FREE and will take place via Zoom.
Contact 530.257.4599 for more information or to enroll.
Thursday, May 5
Lassen Union High School District Adult Programs – Woodshop/Construction Trades. Tuesdays and Thursdays from 5:30 – 8:30pm, at the Lassen High woodshop room 511. Anyone over the age of 18 is welcome to join and learn new skills or improve the ones they already have. Questions, please call Zeane’ Barber at 530.257.2703.
Thursday, May 5
Lassen Union High School District Adult Programs – Information Technology. Thursdays from 5:30 – 7:30p.m., at 814 Cottage Street. Anyone over the age of 18 is welcome to join and learn new skills or improve the ones they already have. Please call Zeane’ Barber at 530.257.2703 for more
Friday, May 6
LHS Track & Field NAL League Finals @ West Valley 1:00 – 6:00p.m.
Friday, May 6
LHS Softball (V) vs U-Prep at University Preparatory, 2200 Eureka Way, Redding, CA 4:00 – 6:00p.m.
Friday, May 6
Annual Westwood Museum Dinner 5:00p.m., at Calvary Chapel on Ash Street in Westwood. Tickets are $15 per person and are available from museum members or by emailing the Westwood Museum You can also request tickets be held at the door the evening of the dinner. Space is limited so get your tickets as soon as possible. To make reservations, contact the Westwood Museum at [email protected]
Saturday, May 7
Farm Bureau Classic Golf Tournament 9:00a.m., Diamond Mountain Golf Course, Susanville. All proceeds to benefit local youth scholarships, 4-H, FFA projects. $400 per four-man team, $200 Hole Sponsor. You can sign up at the clubhouse or contact Naomi at 530.310.3496
Saturday, May 7
Lassen County Children’s Fair 10:00a.m., Lassen County Fairgrounds. For more information, please contact the Lassen County Office of Education at 530.251.8711.
Saturday, May 7
Susanville Monticola’s Annual Mother’s Day Brunch 10:00 to 1:00p.m., at the Monticola Club, 140 S. Lassen Street. Join us and bring all your ‘Mom’s’ in your life. Get your tickets today. Margie’s Book Nook or call 530.310.3496. This is our major fundraiser. All proceeds to go to our community projects (swimming pool, Sr. Center, Food pantry’s) and local scholarships.
Saturday, May 7
LHS Trapshooting Series Event @ Sierra Valley Gun Club, Portola 9:00 – 4:00p.m.
Saturday, May 7
LHS Softball (JV) (DH) vs Chico @ Lassen, Riverside Park 11:00 – 3:00p.m.
Monday, May 9
LHS Boys Golf – NSCIF Semi-Finals
Monday, May 9
Lassen Union High School District Adult Programs – Diploma Gold. Monday and Wednesday nights from 5:30 – 8:30p.m., at Lassen High School, 1110 Main St, Susanville. Free Courses: Open Entry. Diploma Gold – Offers a high school diploma program. Please call Zeane’ Barber at 530.257.2703 to sign up or for more information.
Monday, May 9
Lassen Family Services Budgeting Class is held every Monday from 4:00 – 5:00p.m., at Lassen Family Services or via Zoom. LFS Parenting Program and Housing Program are partnering with Golden 1 to provide free, weekly budgeting classes. Please call 530.257.4599 for more information or to get the Zoom link.