One of the questions we get asked frequently in our Social Media Workshops is ‘How do I get more people to see our business’ posts?’
Myth: Everyone that has ‘Liked’ my page will see what I post.
Fact: Only 10-12% of your audience are seeing your posts! That’s it! Really!
Myth: There isn’t anything I can do to about it.
Fact: The more people who “like” your post, share your post, click on links in the post or comment on your post, the more likely it is that this post and future posts will be seen by a wider segment of your Facebook audience.
So here are some easy ways we teach our social media clients to increase their Facebook reach…
1. Fill in the blanks
Use fill in the blank style posts for higher engagement. If you own a gym you might post something like “When I don’t get to work out I feel…” and let your readers finish the thought.
2. Ask Questions for one-word answers
Ask questions that are interesting, entertaining and easy to answer. Questions that require just one-word responses tend to get the most engagement.
3. Images
Use compelling, eye-catching images with your posts. Photos get better visibility in news feeds.
4. Comment back
When someone is kind enough to comment on one of your posts, take the time to comment back. Everyone likes to be acknowledged and by commenting back, you show that you genuinely care. If someone shares your content, thank them. You will be amazed at how a simple and golden ‘thank you’ can inspire a relationship.
5. Engage and build relationships
Choose pages that you would like to connect with and not only like them, but engage by commenting on their posts. Social media is about creating and building relationships.
6. Let’s be on a first name basis
If your first name is not part of your business name consider including your first name when you post a comment from your business profile. Whether you are commenting on another page or your own, including your first name will bring a personal touch.
7. Change your timeline cover photo
Consider changing your timeline cover photo from time to time.