Tuesday, February 18, 2025
HomeTheGoodStuffThe Good Stuff by Shelley Bennett

The Good Stuff by Shelley Bennett

by Shelley Bennett

Even without a winter snowstorm, the Magical Country Christmas was still magical! There were more people, more parade entries, and more fireworks than ever before. Thank you to the Chamber of Commerce, City of Susanville, and Historic Uptown Susanville for making this event happen.

My favorite part was the Miss Lassen County beauties: my Princess/daughter Sofia, Ambassadress Hayley, and Queen Chalise in their lighted crowns and sashes. Seth Mallery did an outstanding job lighting up his old GMC pickup for the festivities.

I remember an early version of the parade and celebration when I was in high school, maybe 1986 or 87? I vaguely remember burn barrels on the corners of sidewalks, carolers, and a Miss Christmas being driven up the street in the back of a pickup. I don’t think it lasted more than a year or two.

It must have been the late 90s or early 2000s when Suzanne Alliano, Theresa Phillips, Blake Huhtala, and Patty Hagata picked up the reigns and decided to really make this an event. And kudos to them because it has become the official kickoff to our Christmas season.

Some of the activities have changed, remember the Chocolate Festival? And meeting Santa in the Elks Lodge? But Jessica Wade’s Kickettes have been performing and leading the parade with their signature sparkle since some of the earliest parades. It is a commitment to continue doing that through rain, snow, and freezing temps so thanks to Jessica and her dancers as well.

The Drill Team was making new traditions in Uptown with pictures with the Grinch. Thanks to everyone who visited with the creature who stole Christmas, bought some treats, and made a donation to our Booster Club.

I would also like to thank:
Ashley Lowrance and Savannah Bassett from Lowrance K9s dog training for allowing us to use their space
Mindy Hilton for being our oh-so-sassy Grinch
Jessica Wade for lending us a Grinch costume
WFP Ship and Print for our amazing signs
And Jimmy Uruburu, we missed you and hope you are feeling better!

Lassen High’s ASB has committed to providing 30 stocking for Holiday with a Hero this year and we could use some help. We need stocking stuffers! Think warm clothing items like gloves and mittens, beanies, and fuzzy socks. Travel size toiletries like shampoo, soap, body spray, lotion, and deodorant.

Small toys like stuffed animals, little Lego sets, Matchbox cars, playdough. Art supplies like crayons, glue sticks, small craft kits.

If you would like to donate items, please bring them to the Main Office at LHS. We have a collection box on the front counter. You can also give me a call or text 530-249-3830 and I’ll send a student to pick up.

In addition, I know that Holiday with a Hero organizer Terra Avila still needs sponsors to make some dreams come true. It costs $150 to sponsor a child’s Christmas shopping spree. Remember they get to shop for themselves and family members too.

If you can’t foot the whole bill, maybe take up a collection at work or ask your friends to each donate $25 instead of exchanging Starbucks cards.

Any amount helps! You can Venmo your contribution to @lassenhwah If you don’t have Venmo they gladly accept checks, cash or Walmart gift cards. Click here to connect with HWaH on Facebook.

There is truly nothing better than a child’s face on Christmas morning. Imagine being able to make that magic happen for hundreds of kids in Lassen County. If we all come together, we can.

Remember when news was ‘newsy’? When you read about weddings, family events and engagement announcements in the newspaper? If you have something that might be newsworthy, please submit it to [email protected] and I’ll do my best to include it here in “The Good Stuff.”


The Good Stuff by Shelley Bennett

The Good Stuff by Shelley Bennett

The Good Stuff by Shelley Bennett

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