By Shelley Bennett
The sun was shining as brightly as the faces of the Class of 2022 as they readied for their graduation ceremony. While they lined up inside the small gym waiting for the processional, hundreds of family members and friends crowded on to Arnold Field ready to give good wishes and congratulations.
Soon, the familiar chords of Pomp and Circumstance were heard, and it was time to begin the walk led by the Cadet Corps presentation of the flags. The teachers flanked the entranceway, then filed in behind the class.
Principal Morgan Nugent greeted the audience, and the festivities began with FFA Taylore Somerville leading the flag salute. Nugent also thanked the Rotary for providing the many flags surrounding the celebration.
He then congratulated the graduates, thanked the parents and the teachers, staff, and Board of Trustees of LHS as well. Nugent praised all of the parties involved in keeping the campus open and safe during the pandemic.
At that time, Music Teacher Ben Wade led the choir in the presentation of the National Anthem accompanied on the keyboard.
ASB President Josiah (Jojo) Villareal recalled his years dedicated to student activities and the LHS campus with memories of leading the student section at athletic events, planning fun assemblies, and included the many challenges this class overcame in the past four years. He emphatically stated, “We made it” as his classmates cheered.
Zak Schall, Class President, also remembered the good times at LHS such as Homecoming, academic success with various FFA and FBLA competitions, and the recent Senior Trip to Six Flags. Schall joined his classmates in taking “silly cap and gown photos” with one of the entire class “for his mom,” a nod to their amazing class advisor, Kerrissa.
This year’s We are Lassen student, Lupita Orozco spoke of how the program’s character traits have helped shaped her class. Including “Authentic” which helped them to “be themselves” and accept each other no matter “what their flaws are” and “Excellence” because your accomplishments “can impact those around us.”
Valedictorian Desiree Bailey praised her classmates for persevering through school closures from the pandemic to wildfires to power outages to lockdowns saying, “We worked hard to get to this day. We should be proud of ourselves.” She reflected that Lassen High taught her that “we are not alone in our struggles” and encouraged others to not be ashamed, “but embrace” them.
Alliyah Yerington, also Valedictorian, encouraged her classmates to use their “setbacks” to help them “persevere through the difficult times.” Yerington says that she has learned that “we have the chance to determine your own future” and can make every year “greater than the last.” She asked the class to remember that graduation is not the “end goal” but a “small part” in the journey of life.
The choir and drumline proved a moment of reflection with their rendition of “The Climb” by Miley Cyrus.
Terra Avila, former SRO, was chosen as the keynote speaker. She started by greeting her “little nuggets” and saying she was excited to give some “unsolicited advice” by “hoping they fail.” Avila quickly added that “you will never succeed at anything if you don’t fail first.” Her message was supported with a personal story of failing on the shooting range while training to be a police officer. In her words, “the more you fail, the more you learn,” and says that by “failing forward” you can acquire what you need to be successful.
At this time, counselor Micah Freeman and assistant principal Jamie Huber took turns reading the names of the 169 graduates while they were awarded their diplomas by principal Nugent. Cheers, air horns, and confetti filled the air as each graduate crossed the stage.
Principal Nugent presented the class and they were accepted for graduation by board president Jarred Ellena. Zak and Jojo returned to the stage to lead the turning of the tassels and the celebration really began! Lassen High’s ASB let off the confetti canon and caps were thrown into the air. Nugent congratulated the graduates and reminded them they “will always be a Grizzly.”
Remember when news was ‘newsy’? When you read about weddings, family events and engagement announcements in the newspaper? If you have something that might be newsworthy, please submit it to [email protected] and I’ll do my best to include it here in “The Good Stuff.”