At earlier work parties the Rotarians had installed new flags on the poles and with the nice weather they were able to tackle the drilling of more than 20 new holes in the sidewalk along Main Street.
In many cases the old flag pole holes along the street were cemented over or destroyed by ice and snow.
According to Chapman, “We now have 107 locations defined between the Elks Hall uptown to the Riverside Drive street light. We put up flags on Martin Luther King Day and if the weather holds, we will be putting them out for President’s Day on Feb 20th. About 10 to 12 times a year the club puts out the flags for holidays or community events.”
Congressional candidate Senator Doug LaMalfa was in town and took a turn at drilling several holes.
The Rotary Club of Susanville would like to thank the many people and groups that donated to the refurbishing of the flags. They were able to so far raise $2,700 of their $3,000 goal and purchase 110 new flags, fix the flag trailer, do maintenance on the holes and fund the Boys Scouts to retire the old flags. THAT is a pretty amazing project!
Club member Martin Balding drilling the hole across from the police department, with a little help from Bob Burns with the air hose.
Sheriff Dean Growdon mans the drill, under the watchful eye of Martin Balding and help from Mike Kirack.
Senator LaMalfa drills the last hole for the day, with Sheriff Dean Growdon and Mike Kirack getting in on the photo op.