By Terra Avilla
It took me a while to write and rewrite this article. I was mad. I was heartbroken, I was mad again. I was worried. I was sad.
Mostly, I miss my friend.
Last week our community suffered what I can only what I can say is an absolute devasting loss in the passing of Nicole Addicot Wagner.
When I say she was a good person, it just doesn’t do it justice. She is… was… kind. So freaking kind and welcoming. She was funny. She was smart. She was breathtakingly beautiful (inside and out), she was a friend that any friend would be lucky to have and because of that there is a huge gaping hole in so many lives right now.
But Nikki would be so mad at me if I didn’t describe her in the way that mattered the absolute most to her. Nicole was an amazing, selfless mother. Out of all the titles she held, anyone who knew Nicole knew that her most prized title was being a momma to her son, Anthony, and daughter, Ryan.
Nikki was killed in a traffic accident doing something so many of us do every day… driving her daughter to school. I heard it and I didn’t believe it. How can someone who is so vibrant and full of life, just not be here? But then my heart sank. Ryann. Oh Ryann. Her fiery, sweet, funny, tough, firecracker 10-year-old. Is RYAN OKAY? Where’s Ryan?
I was told Ryan had the absolute best first responders on scene, that did everything imaginable to ensure Ryan has the best outcome possible.
Anyone who knows Ryan, knows she is a FIGHTER. She is petite like her momma, but talking to her you would think she is 6’2” and grown. She has always just been that TENACIOUS. And Ryan is fighting. She fought to be stable enough for transport to Reno, and her little body is fighting as we speak. She is perhaps one of the toughest humans I know!
I remember last spring, sitting with Nicole as Peach’s team played Ryan’s team and we laughed as Ryan stepped up to the plate… just ready to whack the ball as hard as she could, her strike zone, pretty much non-existent for how petite she is.
When she got on base, her little body sprinted to first base with so much determination and competitiveness – I told her momma, Ryan needed to come talk to the baseball team about what a TRUE COMPETITOR looks like.
Ahh… I am so going to miss seeing my friend and our kids’ sporting events. Just a couple of weeks ago Nicole sat in front of Frankie and I at Ryan and Pearl’s dance show. I would have given you a hug Nicole had I known it was the last time I would have seen you.
For those of you who don’t know Nicole, she was a beloved County employee, who just helped her office navigate through the tragic loss of another one of their employees just months ago. (My heart goes out to all of you in that office!)
Here is a link to Nicole’s TikTok account, because it shows how silly, wonderful and beautiful she was. It also shows how much she loved her children, family and friends. It is a bittersweet memorial for our sweet Nicole.
However, there is no better way to honor Nicole than to make sure her children are cared for. Nicole leaves behind her sweet son, and of course Ryan.
Ryan is so blessed with such an amazing, supportive family. If you know the Wrights, that you know when I say that they are and would be the first to offer help to anyone in need, you know the truth that is in that statement.
You also know they are the last to ever ask for help. They are so focused on Ryan (as they should be), that offers to help support them are overwhelming.
Ryan is a competitor, a Believer, and fighter. All these things are going to help her in the days, and months and years to come. I know in my heart, I will see her again sprinting down the first base line ready to steal, dancing on a stage, shooting a basketball in a hoop, and running around at Awana’s again (bossing me around in the cutest way only she can do).
I know it. But the Wright family is going to need help to get her there.
Kerissa Schall and I, with permission from the family, are organizing a spaghetti feed to raise funds for Ryan’s recovery. Her family commutes every day to Reno and as you can imagine, that gets expensive very quickly, among the other expenses that are quickly rising.
With the amazing people at the Diamond Mountain Casino, the dinner will be held on February 4th, between 5:00 and 8:00p.m.
We are accepting raffle prizes and baskets to help raise funds and we will be posting additional details about how to buy dinner and raffle tickets.
If you would like to donate to this sweet, sweet girl please contact me (Terra Avilla) at [email protected] or 1.775.771.7876 (Text please) or Kerissa Schall at [email protected].
Nicole’s sister has also created a GoFundMe to help cover the costs for her memorial.
Losing Nicole so suddenly has hit us all hard. Her death has left a void that can’t be filled, and anyone that knew her is ALWAYS going to miss her fiercely. The impact she had on our community is profound, and she made our town a better place with her Nicole magic.
However, our sweet sweet Ryan, just 10 years old, is facing a journey no child should have to endure. She’s not only lost her momma but is also battling her own injuries.
Nicole would’ve moved mountains for that kid, and now it’s our turn to carry that torch. I’m asking all of you to rally around Ryan, Anthony and her family. Whether it’s helping with homework, showing up at her school events, or just being there to listen when they need to talk about her mom – we’ve got to be there for the long haul.
Nicole might not be here physically, but I’ll be damned if we let her spirit fade. Nicole… we are gonna miss you like crazy. And to Ryan and Anthony – kiddo, you’ve got a whole town in your corner. We’ve got you.
I’ll see you all February 4th at the Diamond Mountain Casino. Let’s show this family why where we live is the best place on earth.
Here is a link to the GoFundMe account set up by Nicole’s sister Jessica.