By Terra Avilla
It is with the greatest pleasure that I take this week to write about someone who I’ve always liked and appreciated, however, due to my new assignment, he gets the pleasure of seeing me day in and day out. Yep, my partner, and fellow District Attorney Investigator Wes Gray.
Now it will be much to his chagrin that he is this week’s feature, which honestly, makes it that much more fun for me to write about him.
Senior District Attorney Investigator Gray hates attention. Like seriously hates it. You should see all the Tik Tok footage I can’t use because of his absolute loathing for being in the spotlight.
However, despite that cranky exterior, Wes is quite honestly one of the kindest, funniest, most helpful cops I have ever met. He does a great job balancing being a cop’s cop, but not being “too cool” to actually be approachable.
Wes has been at the District Attorney’s Office for approximately three years, but before that he was a beloved Sergeant for the Lassen County Sheriff’s Office. There Wes spent years and years serving and protecting our community. His co-workers loved him, and the community loved him.
I first met Wes when he was volunteering to help assist with Lassen County’s first ever Live Scale Active Shooter training. It was there that I got to see his knowledge. The man knew tactics. That was undeniable. A wealthy fountain of information.
But I also got to see his personality. He was funny. He was easy to get along with, and more importantly he didn’t make you feel stupid for asking questions. I’m sure now he would have some choice words to say about the 3,846 questions I ask him in a day, but back then, he was more than happy to answer my questions, faculty’s questions etc.
Over the years, I have worked several cases with Wes and it was apparent he is very smart. There isn’t a day that goes by that he doesn’t make all of us in the office laugh.
He has a very “tell it how it is” personality but he does so in a way that you just can’t help but like him.
Outside of his career Wes is an avid fisherman. He enjoys spending his free time with his beautiful and wonderful fiancée, Megan and his son. Listening to Wes talk about his family warms my heart because it is proof that he is just a big ole softy.
Leaving the PD was difficult but getting to bug Wes every day and still having his guidance has made all the difference.
He is a huge asset to our law enforcement, and to our community. And although I can already hear him yelling “TERRRRRRRA!” once he realizes I made him this week’s feature, he is still and always will be one of the reasons I love the place we live.