By Terra Avilla
If there are two things that Lassen County residents love – it’s our country and our guns. For a small town we are incredibly lucky to have two locally owned firearm shops at our disposal. I wanted to take this week to spotlight one of our community’s firearm shops: JK Guns.
Kenny and Holly, the owners, are honest hardworking people, who encompass a lot of the values that Lassen County cherishes: integrity, entrepreneurship, community service, family and the importance of tradition.
My first time meeting Kenny, I was asking for a donation (something that multiple community members do to him on a weekly basis.) That particular instance, I was asking for a donation to the Policeman’s Ball, a benefit for the POA’s Shop with a Cop/Holiday with a Hero program. He greeted me as I walked in and I sheepishly asked him if he could make a donation. “A donation of what?” He asked.
I paused, “Oh, you know… I was just wondering if you could donate… like a… $500 gun?” With the cheesiest smile I could muster.
Kenny looked at me and told me to have a seat. After thirty seconds of dead silence he asked me, “What the heck is Shop with a Cop?”
What usually takes me five minutes to explain took me nearly an hour that day as we sat in his shop talking and I’m glad it did. Although it was apparent within three minutes that Kenny was going to donate, he was honestly curious about the events and wanted all the details of how he could help.
His feisty, but adorable, wife Holly, entered and refilled the starburst bowl for me on the counter and joined in our conversation.
Since that day, nearly five years ago, I will always call Kenny and Holly my friends. I’m also pretty certain anyone else who wandered into his store would have a similar story. Come in to buy firearm, engage in conversation, and you have no choice but to adore Kenny and Holly.
I soon learned it wasn’t just my cause they whole-heartedly supported, they go out of their way to support and donate to as many organizations as they can. For instance, they made a sizable donation to the Sheriff’s Office for the K9 program, to the POA for the Holiday with a Hero program, they donate to multiple wildlife and gun advocate banquets and the High School Cheer and Basketball teams, just to name a few.
JK Guns also services weapons and engraves the name and badge numbers on retired officers’ guns for free, a token to show their appreciation for law enforcement. They recently engraved the Police Department’s Rifles (for free) and did an outstanding job.
Along with supporting the community monetarily Holly and Kenny also donate their time. Kenny has volunteered to teach a gun safety/educational class for the Lassen High School Cadet Core Program, and he and his wife were both volunteers last year for the Holiday with a Hero Program. Kenny continually touched base with me weeks after the event, checking in on the children he had shopped with at the event.
It is apparent that JK Guns take pride in their community. Aside from trying to run a business to support themselves, I sometimes feel bad repeatedly asking him to donate money or items to my events. Kenny never complains.
When I told Kenny I was writing this article his only response, “I want to thank the community for supporting us so we can continue to support them.”
That my friends is why I urge you to support our local businesses, and one of the million reasons why I love this place we call home.
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