By Terra Avilla
I have been working at the District Attorney’s Office for over a month now. And yes, to answer your questions, I absolutely love it.
That is the first question I always get, followed by, “That must be really difficult to investigate child abuse all day long.” And that answer is yes, yes it is. But you know what so many people don’t realize? There is someone else who also works all of these difficult and mentally draining types of cases. One of my very best friends, Melyssah Rios, or as you may know her, our Lassen County District Attorney.
I receive a lot of praise (and I’m not complaining about that, keep it coming) for my work trying to help Lassen County’s most vulnerable victims, but really that praise should be geared toward Mel. She works hours and hours and hours on end making sure cases are ready and speaking with and assuring victims.
I recently watched her in pre-trial with a victim about the same age as my Peach, and all I could think of was that if anyone had any shot of getting that sweet little girl justice, it was my wonderful friend, with big brains and an even bigger heart, Melyssah. (and just so you know, she did)
Before the trial, she told me how important it was to her to get justice for the victims in this case. We, ladies and gentlemen, have a D.A. who has a heart behind what she does, and to me, that makes us extremely lucky.
I first met Mrs. Rios when she was working a really rough case that I had investigated. And I will be the very first to admit that back when I started, I had a lot to learn about working major felony cases. During the trial, Melyssah could have very easily thrown me under the bus to save her case. And honestly, I wouldn’t have blamed her. It would have been a very easy fix for the mistakes that I made.
I didn’t want my mess- up to ruin the chance our victim had of getting justice. However, Mrs. Rios was able to get a guilty verdict, and did everything possible to not make me look like a complete meatball in front of the jury. And I’ve loved her every day since.
At the pinnacle of our criminal justice system Mrs. Rios bears the brunt of everyone’s frustrations, even when things are not her fault. However, she wields all of this off of her chin. Never casting blame or pointing fingers.
But I cannot write this and just describe her job title, because she is so incredibly more than her career. Melyssah is an avid volunteer. She quietly donates to pretty much any fundraiser when asked and goes out of her way to help when asked.
When Officer Barham passed away, she made sure there was a beautiful arrangement sent for the stage to help honor him. When we did the golf tournament for Jenni Uruburu she was one of the very first people to volunteer to donate money, and of course she, year after year, helps me with Holiday with a Hero, because those kids are near and dear to her heart.
When she is not volunteering through Rotary or at work, she is a very involved momma to her beautiful children. I see her out and about throughout the community with her well behaved kiddos (when I tell you they are the cutest kids I really mean it).
Mel is always out and about doing something for her kids or with her sweet and funny hubby. I was speaking to her about the copious amount of trips to wrestling tournaments and Best of Broadway productions for her kids, and she makes it looks so easy. She is most definitely a superwoman.
One of the best pieces of advice I got while in the academy, is to surround yourself with ‘heroes’. People you look up to, and people you wish to emulate. I have that person in Melyssah. She is an unsung hero to so many people, and to me, she will always be one of the reasons I love the place we live.