By Terra Avilla
I am deeply humbled to take this week to write about the biggest treasure of our county. I sat in church this week and listened to Pastor Robbins speak about the authority we are given and the blessing we receive to be parents to our children. Our children are the greatest blessing we will ever get the opportunity to have.
As April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month, I thought, “what a perfect opportunity to highlight our county’s biggest asset, our youth.”
Now, I have always loved children. Their innocence and their brutal honesty, you just can’t help but laugh at the things that come out of their mouths.
Flash forward to my twenties, and me actually having my own children, and my heart absolutely explodes. An entirely new level of appreciation for them was uncloaked. And not just a love for my own kids, the type of love that you as an adult that transcends into an appreciation for others.
I know I am not alone in this sentiment, as we as a county have a plethora of people who make it their careers to teach, help, watch, protect and guide kids. From Child and Family Services to Lassen Family Services, to all of our educators to the volunteers at Sunday School, I am certain I am not the only one who takes stock in our littlest citizens.
In fact, I have watched hundreds of you go out of your way to nourish these little guys. From waiting patiently in line as they zoom around your feet at the fair, to buying your 12th raffle ticket for the same cord of wood for the 12th little girl that asks. I see you too Lassen County.
I see you pull along the gaggle of boys “selling lemonade” at the corner Grand Ave and North St. Happily telling them to “save” their precious concoctions for the next customer, but still providing them with the last of your change. I see your businesses setting up booths, year after year uptown, making sure you buy some unworldly amount of candy for Uptown Trick or Treat.
It’s the volunteers of PTAs, the coaches of little league, the teacher’s aides at the schools, who lord bless all that they do for our kids. It’s all of it. I simply know that I am not alone in my love for the kids in this community. And God willing, the benefit of living in such a tight community is you get to take part in watching them grow up. Even the ones that aren’t yours. …Especially the ones that aren’t yours.
We are so blessed to be able to witness that. I really don’t think any other community dotes on the children of others like ours06 does.
The local checker knows their names. The server at Mazatlán remembers their orders. The coach they had 6 years ago, now has their sibling. The interwovenness of our community which allows us a first-row seat into this miraculous journey is overwhelming to me.
So, in honor of this month, go out there and watch a softball game. Volunteer as a Casa Volunteer. Ask a teacher if you can help grade papers. Pay for the flustered mother in front of you holding her baby’s groceries. I’m certain you can find a way to help nourish and encourage this wonderful sense of community we have and help foster a child in one way or another. Because Lassen County kids are simply the best. They always have been, and they always will be. And they will always be one of the reasons I love the place we live.