by Jessie Diermier
LL&TT Education Coordinator
“Holding a firearm can be daunting and intimidating for some women. We to offer them an opportunity to learn the basics: holding a firearm and then being comfortable enough to fire it,” said Lisa Stone of the National Wild Turkey Federation and Lassen Land and Trails Trust.
The Women in the Outdoors event, ‘Safety with Firearms’, was held June 21st at the Trust’s Lassen Creek Conservation Area, was designed to provide a hands-on, outdoor class in a safe and fun environment.
The morning included a classroom session on safety and proper handling of firearms taught by Tony Magarrell from the US Forest Service and Chris O’Brien, the local NWTF chapter president.
Later, after lunch, the group had the opportunity to work with trained experts to practice safely handling and firing a firearm. Shooting was limited to small caliber (.22) and short range skeet/trap rounds for 12 and 20 gauge shotguns and was supervised at all times by trained individuals, including safety officers Mike Martinez from Lassen National Forest and NWTF and Lee Mercer from Plumas National Forest.
Lassen Land and Trails Trust, along with the Lassen Longbeards Chapter of NWTF would like to thank all the events participants and partners Big 5, Susanville Grocery Outlet and especially Susanville Starbucks for the tasty coffee.
The Wild Turkey Foundation and Lassen Land and Trails Trust, have partnered to bring outdoor education and new experiences to Lassen County in order broaden opportunities for enjoying the outdoors. For more information about future programs, follow us at: