Do you love to sing and dance? Come be a part of Lassen County’s largest annual theatrical production! The 2017 Susanville Best of Broadway concert series is gearing up for their March performances with two days of auditions scheduled for October 15th and 22nd from 10:00a.m. to 2:00p.m.
Best of Broadway is looking for talented actors and actresses, soloists, chorus singers, costume designers, dancers, seamstresses and makeup artists.
For the more technically inclined the production offers jobs in lighting and sound design, scenery construction and rigging crews.
This year’s musical lineup includes songs from Little Mermaid, 7 Brides for 7 Brothers, Little Shop of Horrors, Rent and more.
You must pre-register for the auditions by heading over to and filling out the online form.
Auditions will be held at House of Dance at 718 Main Street.  For more information call 260-6191 or visit