As of December 14th, at 3:00p.m., here are COVID-19 statistics being reported by local health officials.
Lassen County’s Public Health Department is reporting 525 active cases in the county with seven people currently hospitalized. Five deaths have now been attributed to the infection and so far there have been a total of 932 cases reported.
Click here for the most current information from the health department.
Infections at Local Prisons
The California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation is reporting 751 active cases of COVID-19 among the inmate population at High Desert State Prison.
The number of infections at the California Correctional Center is now at 44. You can follow this link to CDCR’s inmate population tracker.
CDCR is reporting 73 staff members at CCC and 160 at High Desert have active cases.
You can track staff numbers at the two institutions by going to this page at CDCR.
FCI Herlong is reporting 27 active cases.
What you need to know, from the Centers for Disease Control
People age 2 and older should wear masks in public settings and when around people who don’t live in their household.
Masks offer some protection to you and are also meant to protect those around you, in case you are unknowingly infected with the virus that causes COVID-19.
A mask is NOT a substitute for social distancing. Masks should still be worn in addition to staying at least 6 feet apart.
Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or use hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol after touching or removing your mask.
Masks may not be necessary when you are outside by yourself away from others, or with other people who live in your household. However, some localities may have mask mandates while out in public and these mandates should always be followed.
CDC is still studying the effectiveness of different types of masks and will update their recommendations as new scientific evidence becomes available.
Your mask helps protect those around you
COVID-19 spreads mainly from person to person through respiratory droplets. Respiratory droplets travel into the air when you cough, sneeze, talk, shout, or sing. These droplets can then land in the mouths or noses of people who are near you or they may breathe these droplets in.
Masks are a simple barrier to help prevent your respiratory droplets from reaching others. Studies show that masks reduce the spray of droplets when worn over the nose and mouth.
You should wear a mask, even if you do not feel sick. This is because several studies have found that people with COVID-19 who never develop symptoms (asymptomatic) and those who are not yet showing symptoms (pre-symptomatic) can still spread the virus to other people. The main function of wearing a mask is to protect those around you, in case you are infected but not showing symptoms.
It is especially important to wear a mask when you are unable to stay at least 6 feet apart from others since COVID-19 spreads mainly among people who are in close contact with one another (within about 6 feet).
Your mask offers some protection to you
A cloth mask also offers some protection to you too. How well it protects you from breathing in the virus likely depends on the fabrics used and how your mask is made (e.g. the type of fabric, the number of layers of fabric, how well the mask fits). CDC is currently studying these factors.
Who should or should not wear a mask
Who should wear a mask
Everyone 2 years of age and older should wear a mask in public settings and when they are around people who do not live in their household.
Wear a mask when caring for someone who is sick with COVID-19 (whether at home or in a non-healthcare setting). If you are sick with COVID-19 or think you may have COVID-19, wear a mask when you need to be around other people or animals, even in your own home.
CDC recognizes there are specific instances when wearing a mask may not be feasible. In these instances, consider adaptations and alternatives.
Who should not wear a mask
Masks should not be worn by children younger than 2-years old, anyone who has trouble breathing, anyone who is unconscious, incapacitated or otherwise unable to remove the mask without assistance.
Wearing masks may be difficult for some people with sensory, cognitive, or behavioral issues. If they are unable to wear a mask properly or cannot tolerate a mask, they should not wear one, and adaptations and alternatives should be considered