The Rotary Club of Susanville is in the midst of an important project that benefits all of us here in Susanville, and they are asking for your help.
The Rotarians have the responsibility of putting out more than 100 American flags and flagpoles up and down Main Street for major holidays and other special occasions. For example, this next weekend the flags will be flying along the street for Susanville’s 100th Anniversary of the right for women to vote in California program, the Rails to Trails Festival and the Bizz Johnson Marathon.
So far the group has raised a little over $1,000 dollars and held a work party Saturday to build 50 new flags so they are ready for this weekend’s events.
The Rotarians hope to get enough contributions to have the remaining 50 flags replaced for the Veteran’s Day parade in November.
Monday at 12:30 on KSUE radio the Viewpoint program with Dr. Todd Cutler will feature Rotarians Bob Burns, President of Rotary Club of Susanville and Jennifer Gorohoff, President of the Susanville Sunrise Rotary who will be talking about the clubs and their community activities. Mr. Burns will have more information about the flag project.
You may contribute cash, or write a check to the Susanville Rotary Club and mail it to P.O. Box 674, Susanville, CA 96130. For information you can call Jim Chapman at 251-6828.
Here is a gallery of photos from Saturday’s flag work party at the Lassen County Fairgrounds
Click on any photo in the gallery for a bigger version!