Kelly Ackley,
Chamber Executive Director
February Mixer. Come out for the Lassen County Chamber of Commerce February Chamber Mixer hosted by Eagle Lake Village Senior Living Community on Thursday, February 15th from 5:30 to 7:30p.m. located at 2001 Paul Bunyan Road, Susanville.
Bring your family and friends for an evening of fun, food, drinks, prizes, and good company. Everyone is welcome, you do not have to be a Chamber member to attend. For more information, contact the Chamber office at 530.257.4323.
For the month of February, the Lassen County Probation Department’s Appreciation Hearts fundraiser will give community members a chance to send a ‘bucket of hearts’ to a person they appreciate, while contributing to a great cause! Money raised will help sponsor community events such as Stuff the Bus and Holiday with a Hero. You can order your Appreciation Hearts online by clicking here Lassen County Probation – Appreciation Hearts Fundraiser 2024 ( Cash payments are also accepted at 2950 Riverside Drive in Susanville. Delivery is only available in Lassen County.
Lassen Youth Fastpitch Softball Registration. All signups will be held at the Comfort Inn breakfast room. Signups close February 21st. Must be 4 by January 1, 2024. Regular Signups will be February 1st from 5:00 to 7:00p.m. and February 17th from 10:00 to 12:00p.m. The cost to register is $90 with $10 off for siblings. Please contact Antonia Marro at 530.260.8091 with any questions.
Lassen Fire Safe Council February General Meeting will be on Wednesday, February 21, 2024, at 5:30p.m., at the Susan River Fire Hall, 705-145 Hwy 395, Johnstonville. Light refreshments will be served.
Standish 4H will be holding their annual Indian Taco Feed fundraiser on Saturday, March 2nd, at the Standish 4H hall. You can pick up dinner at the hall between 3:00 and 8:00p.m. For a single dinner the 4H’ers are asking for a donation of $7 and a family of two adults and three kids can eat for just $30. Along with the Indian Taco you can grab a Bowl of Beans for $3 or fry bread for $2. Homemade desserts, gift baskets and a home décor sale will all be part of the fun. Proceeds from the dinner benefit Standish 4-H members and their activities throughout the year. The Standish 4H Hall is located at 718-880 Hwy 395 East, just past the Wayside Gas Station and Market. For more information call or text 1.530.310.1993 or 1.530.310.3178.
Susanville Best of Broadway presents the 2024 Concert Series ‘The Broadway Renaissance.’ Shows start March 6th.
Honey Lake Ducks Unlimited 2024 Banquet Saturday, March 9th at Lassen County Fairgrounds, Jensen Hall. For tickets go to, or call Cody at 1.559.579.7792
Susanville Elks Lodge Spring Fling Dance, Saturday, March 9, 2024, from 6:00 to 9:00p.m., at the Susanville Elks Lodge, 400 Main Street. Tickets are $30 per family and can be purchased at the Lassen County Chamber Office and Margie’s Book Nook. Come on up with your family for a fun time.
Lassen Community College Gunsmithing Program. Registration for the full-time Gunsmithing Program, Fall 2024 will open March 25th, 2024. Any questions can be directed to [email protected] or at 530.251.8809.
Benson’s Humble Homestead presents Breakfast on the Farm, Saturday, April 6th from 9:00 to 4:00p.m., at 712-960 Sunnyside Road, Janesville. The Waffle Bar is coming. Vendors, Waffle Bar, animals and so much more.
The Children’s Fair will be held on Saturday, May 4th, from 10:00 until 3:00p.m., at the Lassen County Fairgrounds. There will be live entertainment throughout the day, including dancers from local dance studios and costumed characters. Static displays of emergency vehicles and other fun things for kids to see will be around each corner at the fairgrounds. Dandy the Smokeless Dragon will be there, and Lassen Youth Football and Star Elite Cheer, Lassen Youth Soccer and the Lassen Aquatics will also be participating in the event. Admission is free. Would your group or organization like to have a booth at the Lassen County Children’s Fair? The last day to register is April 24th and you can click here Lassen County Children’s Fair Booth Registration ( to fill out a booth application form. For more information you can call the Lassen County Office of Education at 1.530.251.8711.
Lassen County 4-H Presentation Day is Sunday, February 25th at Jensen Hall, Lassen County Fair Grounds. Registration is at 1:00p.m. Entry deadline is February 15th. Presentation Day 2024 will be hosted by Milford 4-H and South County 4-H again this year. Please adhere to the registration deadline. Primary member presentations will be limited to 10 minutes. Junior/Senior presentations will be limited to 15 minutes. Please register ONLINE at:
The 35th Lassen Jr. Fishing Derby has been set for Saturday, May 18th. Coveted prizes donated by community businesses and locals are handed out to the biggest catch of the day in each age group, along with sportsmanship awards.
All new for 2024. The Bizz Running Company is introducing the Bizz Johnson Express Half Marathon Relay. Bring your best running friend and run this fast half marathon course. Leg 1 starts with the Express Half Marathon and completes the first 7 miles. After going underneath Highway 36 and back up the other side, you’ll hand off to Leg 2 who will cruise the last 6.1 miles to the Finish Line at Hobo Camp. You can register for all Bizz Johnson Marathon Events on October 12-13, 2024, at