Lassen County Chamber of Commerce Update
Patti Hagata, Executive Director
The good folks at The Pardner will team up with One Fine Day Catering/Debbie Lucero to co-host the Thursday, July 14th, Chamber Mixer, from 5:30 to 7:30pm.
The mixer will be held at the Pardner, located at 702-100 Johnstonville Road, Susanville, featuring delicious food prepared by One Fine Day Catering, cold beverages, raffle prizes, and a steer weight guessing contest.
This is a great opportunity to check out the latest merchandise at the Pardner and get decked out in the latest western wear just in time for fair!
They invite everyone to stop by to enjoy an evening of western hospitality-you do not need to be a Chamber member to attend; everyone is welcomed to stop by to mingle with friends and business associates.
The Chamber board will meet on Wednesday, July 13th for the monthly board meeting beginning at noon, at Susanville Pizza Factory.
The board encourages public attendance and comment; if you would like to address the board please contact the office staff prior to the board meeting so that you can be added to the agenda.
The Chamber will be coordinating the Fair Parade that will take place on Saturday, July 23rd, beginning at 10am. Show off your community pride at this year’s Lassen County Fair Parade by entering your club or business.
Stop by the Chamber if you would like an entry form or call us at 257-4323 to have one forwarded to you. An application can also be downloaded from the chamber website. The deadline to return your entry is Friday, July 15th.
Board member Julie James, of Diamond Mountain Casino, submitted her resignation from the board of directors. Her resignation leaves an unexpired term to be filled; the board seat expires December of 2011. The Chamber board is accepting applications to fill the board vacancy.
Chamber members who are interested in sharing their time and talent to help promote the business community and Lassen County by serving on the board are encouraged to apply. Applications are available at the Chamber office, located at 75 North Weatherlow Street.
Applicants must submit their application by Monday, August 8, 2011. A selection to fill the board vacancy will be made at the August 11th board meeting.
In an effort to lower the impact of bad check crime on businesses the Lassen County District Attorney reminds you that the DA’s Bad Check Program is available to help with recovery of bad checks. If you have received a bad check and would like to take advantage of this service stop by the Chamber or the DA’s office to pick up a copy of the Bad Check Report form.
Bad check writers will face immediate criminal prosecution once the report and corroborating bank records are received. You can send the Bad Check Report and rejected check directly to the DA’s office.
Also available is important information on how to process a bad check and procedures you can utilize to help avoid problems. Contact Paula at the District Attorney’s Office at 251-8358 with any questions or for more information about the bad check prosecution program.