Patti Hagata, Executive Director
The Chamber board will meet on Thursday, February 11, 2016 for the monthly board meeting, beginning at noon, at Diamond Mountain Casino in the hotel conference room. The board encourages member attendance and comment; if you would like to address the board please contact the office staff prior to the board meeting so that you can be added to the agenda.
At the January board meeting the following event committees were formed; Main Cruise Car Show n’ Shine, Chairperson Lance Monath; Lassen Co. Fair Parade, staff coordinated; Magical Country Christmas, chairperson Julie Brown; Spring Home, Garden, and Recreation Show, Chairperson Bill Payer; Membership, chairperson, Angie Crowley; Outdoor Recreation Trade Show, Chairperson Rod Chambers; Rails to Trails Festival, Chairperson, Lance Monath and Symposiums, Chairperson, Gary Felt.
You do not need to be on the board to serve on committees; we encourage and welcome your participation. If you are interested in serving on any of the above committees, please contact the Chamber staff at 257-4323 to be added to the committee list.
Lassen County Chamber of Commerce is looking to fill an office job opening for an Executive Assistant. The Executive Assistant provides the Executive Director with office support, assisting with the day-to-day operation, and administration to include greeting visitors, answering telephone inquiries, and maintenance of records. For more information and a complete job description stop by the Chamber office or call 257-4323. The executive assistant position will begin in April 2016.
The Lassen County Cattlemen and Cattlewomen will host the annual “A Taste of Beef, A Sip of Wine” on Saturday, February 27th, from 6 to 9pm. The event will be held at the Elks Lodge and will feature a great selection of wines, beef carving stations, gun raffle, wine pull and Lassen Ale Works beer. Tickets are available for purchase at the Pardner Farm Supply or the Chamber office; you must be 21 to attend.