Patti Hagata, Executive Director
Please remember to get those event dates to us. If your business or organization has a special event planned please let us know so that we can add the event information to the calendar. This is a free service provided to the entire community. For a complete list of events planned in Lassen County log on to and click on event calendar.
Webinars and online training courses are available to Chamber Members, many of which are required certified training, and are available online through Calchamber. The Lassen County Chamber is able to offer these courses to our members at a discount. These webinars and online training courses cover a wide range of subject matter such as harassment prevention, accounting, ethics, management principles, customer service and leadership training. For a complete list of courses offered, go to For more information about how your business can take advantage of this valuable membership benefit, call the Chamber office at (530) 257-4323.
Be sure that the Chamber’s visitor lobby has an adequate supply of your business cards and brochures on hand to promote your business throughout the year. This is a free marketing service that is available to all Chamber members.
The Chamber office is open Monday thru Friday, 9am to 4pm. The Chamber staff is available to provide information to those visiting the community or anyone who is looking for area and business information. You can also check us out on the web at or Facebook/Lassen Chamber.